Wednesday, 24 January 2018

على الانترنت حصة تداول - وظائف في تشيناي

تنبيهات الاكتتاب الحالية في سوق الأسهم عرض بهارات للالكترونيات (أوفس) - الإصدار يبدأ في 22 فبراير ويغلق في 23 فبراير. الاكتتاب العام للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في البورصة - رمك سويتشيرس ليميتد إيبو (من 28 إلى 03 مارس) الاكتتاب العام القادم - كدسل الاكتتاب العام الاكتتاب العام القادم - أفينو سوبيرمارتس ليميتد إيبو تانفي للأغذية (الهند) المحدودة الاكتتاب العام للشرآات الصغيرة والمتوسطة (بس) للافتتاح في الفترة من 17 فبراير إلى 22 فبراير نيتيراج إنجينيرس لت شرآة إس إم للاكتتاب العام تبدأ من 20 فبراير إلى مارس 01 شركة غلوبال إدوكاتيون لت (جيل) إلى 21 فبراير كريشانا فوشم المحدودة نس سم الاكتتاب لفتح في 13 فبراير - فبراير 16 بس أسهم الاكتتاب المحدودة إلى قائمة يوم الجمعة 3 فبراير 2017 في نس .. بس وضع الاكتتاب الاكتتاب المحدودة متاحة الآن على الانترنت. وسجل بورصة عمان الاكتتاب تاريخ القائمة ستكون متاحة قريبا. بس الاكتتاب الاكتتاب أخيرا 51.12 مرات (6.30 مرات في تجارة التجزئة). حالة الاكتتاب بسن الاكتتاب العام و بس قائمة الاكتتاب العام سوف تكون متاحة قريبا. ساري إنفرا نسد إيسو ريفيو - يناير 2017 بيسي ليميتد اكتتاب الاكتتاب 1.55 مرة يوم 2. القضية يغلق في 25 يناير. بيسي الاكتتاب الاكتتاب الاكتتاب 0.5 مرات (0.83 مرات في البيع بالتجزئة) في يومها 1. إغلاق القضية في 25 يناير. ريليانس صندوق الاستثمار المشترك كبس ويحصل صندوق الاستثمار الأوروبي على استجابة هائلة حيث يتم الاكتتاب في القضية من خلال هامش واسع. بس استعراض الاكتتاب العام موثوت المالية استعراض استعراض نسد - يناير 2017 كبس إتف ففو استعراض بس المحدودة الاكتتاب لفتح في 23 يناير إلى 25 يناير كبس إتف - لماذا يجب أن تنظر في الاستثمار في هذا الصندوق المشترك دعم التداول من قبل وسطاء الأسهم في الهند - اقتراح محفوف بالمخاطر سري تمويل المعدات نسد لفتح يوم 03 يناير إلى 20 يناير سري تمويل المعدات نسد - استعراض من قبل ديليب دافدا ماهيشواري اللوجستية المحدودة نس سم الاكتتاب لفتح في 30 ديسمبر إلى 06 يناير ليباس ديزاينز المحدودة نس سم الاكتتاب لفتح في 27 ديسمبر - 30 ديسمبر بروليف إندستريز لت نس سم إيبو مفتوحا من 27 ديسمبر إلى 30 ديسمبر فيرام أورنامنتس لت بورصة مسقط للاكتتاب العام ليتم افتتاحه يوم 23 ديسمبر وحتى 28 ديسمبر لوروس لابس لت. العدد المكتتب 4.53 مرات (1.58 مرات في التجزئة) مرات. لوروس مختبرات الاكتتاب تاريخ الإدراج سوف تكون متاحة قريبا. ستشارك أسهم شيلا فوم المحدودة في الاكتتاب العام يوم الجمعة 9 ديسمبر 2016 اكتتبت شركة لوروس لابس المحدودة في الاكتتاب العام 0.61 مرة (0.39 مرة في البيع بالتجزئة) في اليوم الثاني (7 ديسمبر). ستغلق المشكلة غدا (8 ديسمبر). شيلا فوم لت وضع الاكتتاب العام متاحة الآن على الإنترنت. العدد المكتتب 5.064 مرات (0.39 مرات في تجارة التجزئة). شيلا رغوة المحدودة الاكتتاب تاريخ الإدراج المتوقع قريبا. لوروس لابس المحدودة اكتتاب الاكتتاب 0.28 مرات (0.10 مرات في التجزئة) في اليوم 1. قضية مفتوحة حتى 8 ديسمبر. شيلا فوم المحدودة الاكتتاب المكتتب به بالكامل في اليوم الأخير. العدد المكتتب 5.064 مرات (0.39 مرات في تجارة التجزئة). شيلا فوم لت حالة الاكتتاب العام للاكتتاب العام و شيلا فوم ليمتد تاريخ الاكتتاب العام المتوقع قريبا. لوراس لابس لت استعراض الاكتتابات العامة - على الرغم من أن يبدو أن الأسعار قد تم تسعيرها بما يتماشى مع الأقران تتجه، فإنه يمكن اعتبار للاستثمار المتوسط ​​والطويل الأجل. شيلا فوم المحدودة اكتتاب الاكتتاب 0.06 مرات (0.07 مرات في التجزئة) يوم 3. القضايا يغلق في 01 ديسمبر 2016. لوباس لابس لت الاكتتاب العام مفتوح في 06 ديسمبر إلى 08 ديسمبر اكتسبت شركة شيلا فوم المحدودة الاكتتاب العام 0.01 مرة (0.03 مرة في البيع بالتجزئة) في اليوم 1. شركة ماجستيك ريزارتش سيرفيسز سوليوشنز المحدودة (فبو) (سم) تفتتح في 28 نوفمبر 2016. سعر الإصدار: روبية 106 إلى روبية 114. أديتيا فيجن المحدودة إيبو (بورصة مسقط) تفتح في 28 نوفمبر 2016. شركة جيه فريت لوجيستكس المحدودة (سم سم) تفتتح في 24 نوفمبر 2016. شيلا فوم المحدودة الاكتتاب العام ليتم افتتاحه في 29 نوفمبر - ديسمبر 01 ديوان الإسكان فينانس كورب. Ltd. (دفل) نسد عرض مراجعة كوزاماتام المالية نسد عرض مراجعة حصة وسيط المقالات وسطاء الأسهم مقارنة (جنبا إلى جنب) قارن وسطاء الخدمات الكاملة وسماسرة الخصم في بس، نس و مسكس. قارن وسطاء التقليدية مثل إيسيسي المباشر مقابل، إنديابولس، الاعتماد المال، مقابل شاريخان. 5Paisa و موتيلال أوسوال مع الجيل القادم أرخص وسطاء الخصم مثل زيرودا. أرك العالمية، فينتورا و ركسف. مقارنة الأسهم شعبية وسطاء في إنديارون الأسهم جورو نصائح - Stock، نصائح التداول، بس نس، حصة السوق الحية، سينسكس، سوق الأسهم الهندية واقترح الشركة لأعضاء قسط قبل أسابيع قليلة. وقد انتقلت جيدة 30 منذ ذلك الحين. لا تزال تبدو شركة ذات إمكانيات متعددة. الناس المهتمين لدينا القادمة ورشة عمل مومباي وكذلك قسط كاب الصغيرة الخدمات الثابتة والمتنقلة ملء النموذج أدناه. للحصول على المساعدة لا واتسابكونتاكت أوجال في 9831291631 أو تراجع في 9007652301. تحسين الكفاءة التشغيلية من خلال خفض القوى العاملة وتكلفة المواد الخام (وبالتالي تحسين هامش إبيدتا). يجري 70 عاما كو. القوة الرئيسية كوس تقدم مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات أمبير تصميم وتخصيص المنتجات وفقا لمتطلبات العملاء. توريد منتجات أمبير الخدمات إلى ما يقرب من جميع الشركات فورتشن 500. تحسين حصص توبلين وحصة السوق في قطاع السكك الحديدية أمبير الدفاع، وتكبد نفقات رمد لتطوير وإدخال منتجات جديدة مدفوعة التكنولوجيا وبالتالي تحسين تطبيق خط الانتاج في الصلب والسكر والمنسوجات والأسمنت والطاقة الخ محاولة العودة في الأعمال الدفاعية حيث نحن قبل 15 عاما. نتطلع إلى تحقيق نتائج أفضل في الربعين الثالث والرابع بسبب التدفق الجيد لنظام (ميسور لمحطات تعبئة النفط) والنمو الذي شهدته القطاعات المذكورة أعلاه. الحصول على أوامر (الإيرادات) ليست مشكلة بالنسبة للشركة، والهدف الرئيسي هو الحد من الديون رأس المال العامل والفوائد تكلفة عبء أمبير تحسين شبكة الموزع. بعض أوامر الدفاع هي في المرحلة L1 (أدنى مقدم عرض في المناقصات). توقع سوقا ضخمة للطاقة المتجددة في الهند. كوز كبار المديرين التنفيذيين ملغت تم بجولة واجتماع شركات محطة الطاقة. وستقدم الشركة عرضا لمشروع شبكة المياه (مخطط الري - توفير مياه الشرب من الأنهار المختلفة بالقرب من أب إلى جميع مدنها المختلفة) وتتوقع الحصول على أمر بقيمة 50 كر في ولاية تلنغانا لتوريد 1000200 مجموعة مضخات الجهد العالي والمنخفض (من 12 لاك كل). سيأتي التنفيذ في Q3 أمب Q4. في الآونة الأخيرة، وقد حصلت الشركة على مشروع الطاقة الشمسية بقيمة 60 كر. وهي أكبر فرصة لنمو الإيرادات. إعادة الهيكلة مع البنوك في عام 2014 لرأس المال العامل وتحسين تكلفة رأس المال. وقد خفضت الشركة تدريجيا الودائع (24 كر) و إيسد (من 22 كر). جعل الشركة الديون مجانا على مدى فترة من الزمن عن طريق التخلص من الأصول العقارية غير الأساسية للشركة. في هبلي من 100 فدان بالقرب من مطار هوبلي، خصصت في البداية 20 كر، والتي سوف تجلب لهم 120cr (في انتظار موافقة من حكومة الدولة لركوب على الأزمة)، ميسور - 5 مواقع بقيمة 50 كر تقريبا، ومساحات المكاتب الإقليمية في دلهي، هيد ، بيون، بغلر الخ (النموذج المحتمل أن تعتمد من قبل الشركة هو التخلص من وتأخذ مرة أخرى على أساس الإيجار). تخفيض الديون لدى بنك الشركات. إجمالي الأصول العقارية غير الأساسية للشركة أكثر من 1000 كر. وجهة نظري: الخطوة الأخيرة التي اتخذتها مغت بشأن بيع أسهم الخزانة بقيمة 18 كر و كيب إصدار 37 كر كانت واحدة من خطوة شجاعة وجريئة. وقد جلبت الإيجابية والتفاؤل بين جميع العاملين في الشركة، وأنها سوف تعمل بجد حقا لإعادته إلى الأعلى. تم حل القضية الأولية لرأس المال العامل وبدأوا التركيز على الأعمال التجارية. سكوتليبوت من أكبر موزع الذي هو مع الشركة لمدة 20 عاما الماضية: - إذا كنت من أجل محركات لفم اليوم ش سوف تحصل عليه غدا. لذلك ليس هناك مشكلة إيفاد في المحركات القياسية ولكن إذا كنت الطلب على واحد متخصص ثم اعتمادا على حجم، ميزات وقت التسليم يحصل من 1 شهر إلى 6 أشهر. خطاب حديث من رئيس كان رائعا. نتوقع ربحا جيدا جدا في 2 سنوات القادمة كرومبتون و أب هي أيضا عدوانية. هذه الشركة لديها بنك الأراضي ضخمة في بانغلور و هوبلي. سلسلة 8226Ravi تقوم بعمل جيد بسبب ترتيب محطة على الجانب أمبير العلوي على حد سواء المتاحة. في وقت سابق كان فقط ترتيب محطة الجانب المتاحة ولكن الآن على حد سواء 70-80 أكثر كفاءة تحققت في سلسلة رافي، وجاءت الشكوى أسفل بشكل كبير. من حيث المبيعات شبكة أمبير، والشركة هي مثل ماروتي أمبين لوبين. وقد اشتروا أرض جديدة 5 إلى 6 سنوات back. It تحاول زيادة حصة market. It تحاول توظيف كبار الرجال من السوق. 2 إلى 3 أشخاص خاطئة قد ترأس في الشركة بسبب آخر 5 إلى 7 سنوات لم تكن جيدة. وكان مد الجديد قد حان مؤخرا وتنظيف جميع الغبار من الشركة. أزال جميع الناس الخطأ، تم تنظيف جميع المخزون. كما أطلقت الناس الذين كانوا يفكرون الشركة مثل منظمة حكومية. المد الجديد هو الصمت والعدوانية. لقد شعرت شخصيا أنه يعمل بجد. في بلدي 15 إلى 20 عاما من الخبرة في الشركة أستطيع أن أقول بالتأكيد أن الأمور تتحسن بشكل حاد و 2 إلى 3 سنوات سيكون fantastic. i أنا متفائل جدا. محاولة مورد جديد مع أشخاص جدد. جديد مد هو رجل التمويل النقي وتنظيف جميع المخزون. لقد رأيت شخصيا جميع النباتات منه ورأى أن المساءلة أمبير المساءلة مؤخرا قد تحسنت لكل شخص. الحصول على المحاجر من العملاء المفقودة وهو إنجاز كبير اعتبارا من الآن. من حيث العلامة التجارية، كرومبتون، هذه الشركة، ويفضل أب (النظام). ماذا يحدث عندما تدير عائلة شركة مع منتجات جيدة وتذكر علامة تجارية كبيرة تغيير نهج وحدة التنسيق الخاصة بها أن تكون واحدة خاصة تدار بشكل جيد هذا بالضبط قصة هذه الشركة. وقد أعطت اثنين من روكستارس المهنية يد حرة لتشغيل المعرض. ف، الذي كان المدير المالي للشركة حصلت على ترقية ليكون المدير العام في جميع أنحاء عام 2015. أه، بائع نجوم مع ثروة من الخبرة في صناعة أخذت تهمة كونه رئيس المبيعات. إنهم يتغلغلون من الداخل إلى الخارج لتحويل الشركة وإخذه إلى الدوري المطموع. بدأت مشكلة الشركة مع اقتناء لدو في عام 2008، وهي شركة ألمانية معروفة بتكنولوجيا. وتبع ذلك الركود الذي جعل الأمر أسوأ بالنسبة للشركة. وبغض النظر عن كل دعم ممكن من الوالد الهندي، لم تتمكن الشركة الفرعية الألمانية من التحول. وبعد بضعة أرباع من ذلك، تخلى أخيرا عن الخسائر وحجزها. لقد تشربوا التكنولوجيا الألمانية ومع القطاع الذي يلبي للبحث عن، أيام أفضل يسود أخيرا للشركة. وتمتلك الشركة أصولا غنية غير أساسية إلى أكثر من 1000crs (معظمها من الطرود البرية والمصانع التي ليست هناك حاجة). وهم في حوار نشط للتخلص من نفس قيمة 400crs وجعل الكيان عالية الديون ديون واحدة مجانا. على مدى 2-3 سنوات القادمة، الشركة ستكون كيان العجاف مع أي التزامات أكثر تكلفة الفائدة. سيكون من الحكمة أن نلاحظ أن تكلفة الفائدة الحالية للشركة ستكون قريبة من 40crs. وقد بدأ المستخدمين النهائيين لمنتجاتها الملقب السكر والصلب والصلب والاسمنت الصناعات رؤية الأوقات تتغير للخير. إذا كان المستخدم الإخراج الخاص بك يمثل تحولا غنيا، والبائع أيضا سوف تحول الحق في كثير من الأحيان الحس السليم هو غير شائع جدا، ولا سيما في حالة تجار التجزئة من حيث اختيار الكيانات المدرجة. فحص القنوات لدينا من شبكة تجارها في جميع أنحاء البلاد يثبت نقطة على الجبهة الطلب. العملاء لديهم فترة الانتظار من 2-3 أسابيع لمحركات أس-دس لها. ويقترح التجار أيضا حول التركيز المتجدد من نهاية الشركة. لديها حالة الاحتكار القريب في محولات النفط شغلها حيث رؤية الطلب الضخم. في العام الماضي فعلوا حوالي 18cr المبيعات. هذا العام لديهم بالفعل أوامر بقيمة 90crs في متناول اليد، ويأتي مع هوامش الربح المزدوجة إبيتدا. كانت الشركة دائما أوامر ولكن بسبب أزمة رأس المال العامل فإنها لم تتمكن من تنفيذ أكثر من ذلك. وقد كانت الحالة غير مستقرة لدرجة أنها اضطرت إلى بيع أسهمها الخزينة في كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2015 وحولها. وحصلت هذه الحالة على 20 سنتا، وكتبت أخيرا تحولا بعد فترة طويلة جدا. وقد قاموا بتقدمي برنامج) كيب (بقيمة 36 سهرا مؤخرا بقيمة 46 رص والتي من شأنها أن توفر اإلغاثة وتساعدها على حتقيق الرقم 700 املستهدف. ماذا يكون نعمة في تمويه ماذا عن الخسائر المتراكمة لمئات من كرور في كتابه مما يعني أي التزام ضريبي حتى أنه يتجاوز الخسائر المتراكمة ضمن نافذة الضرائب من 7 سنوات. وقد أوضحت الإدارة عدم وجود أي من الشروط المتفق عليها. الاستنتاج: بعد 8 أرباع بالضبط أو في أرقام ديسمبر 2015، وجاءت الشركة أخيرا باللون الأخضر. وكانت أرباح الربعين الأخيرين مربحة جدا بالنسبة للشركة. وهو يستهدف نمو 30 حيث من المتوقع أن تتجاوز مبيعاتها 700crs هذه السنة المالية. إن الأرباح المقدرة قبل خصم الفوائد والضريبة والاستهلاك والإطفاء البالغة 9 سنوات تمنحنا رقم ضريبة القيمة المضافة حوالي 15 سنتا (63 سنتا مطروحا منها تكلفة الفائدة البالغة 36 سنتا وإهلاك 12 سنتا وبدون التزام ضريبي). الشركة يقتبس في 23 مرات أرباح fy16-17. سوف Fy17-18 نرى ذلك مسافة السباق 880-900crs من المبيعات مع أوامر هامش أعلى. إبيتدا المتوقع من حوالي 11 يجعل الشركة اقتبس في 7 مرات فقط. يتم استقبال الرهانات التحول مع تقييم أعلى ومع الشركة التموين للقطاعات الأساسية، فإنه دائما يقتبس في نطاق مجموعة من 15-20. مجموعة أقران والتي هي على وجه الخصوص أسماك، ألستوم الخاص بك، سيمنز و أب من العالم يقتبس أكثر من 30 مرات في 18 الأرباح. كما ذكر سابقا في التقارير التي تستهدف أن تكون كيان خال من الديون على مدى السنوات الثلاث المقبلة. في حال حدوث ذلك، يمكن للشركة أيضا القلم كتاب لنفسه مع المساهمين جعل متعددة أضعاف خلال العامين المقبلين. فرحة الرهان في جوهر يعني لمحفظتك الأساسية. الآن لا يزعج يسأل الناس المستهدفين. جوهر 8 الفقرة لمعرفة كل شيء عن ميكروكاب المطلوب. يتيح تشغيل: 1) كوت: هذه ليست فكرة الأسهم الطازجة ولكن امتدادا للمنصب السابق. والقصد من ذلك هو توفير تغطية تفصيلية لتلك الشركات الخمس. لاعب سحابة ديسي واحد بالفعل فعلت منذ فترة طويلة. مذكرة اليوم تتعلق الشركة الثالثة من الوظيفة السابقة. مدين لأعز شقيق بوميك لمساعدته و سكوتلبوت. لقد كان على ركوب جيدة منذ بضعة أيام لأسباب لا يعرف لي. لها مخزون قيمة باهظة على وجه اليقين في المستويات الحالية (كانت مخزون مكلفة دائما بعد 5 باغر في الأرباع القليلة الماضية). أوه ياه، لعنة محاولة سيبي طريقة متوافقة من بينينغ مرة أخرى. 2) قصة: 1200 كر المجموعة على أساس من كوتشي 8211 الشركة الرئيسية هي E. Condiments (في التوابل والكاري) مع 900 كر. الإيرادات 8211 عقد 74 من قبل المروجين و 26 من قبل مكورميك (شركة فورتشن 1000 مقرها الولايات المتحدة التي تصنع التوابل والأعشاب، المنكهات). شركات المجموعة الأخرى هي إت (تجديد الإطارات)، E. Mattress (الفراش مع سونيدهرا العلامة التجارية) إيستيا (في الشاي)، الملك ريتشاردز (الملابس). ال يوجد أي حيازات متبادلة بين شركات المجموعة. إت هي الشركة الوحيدة المدرجة و it8217s من المرجح أن تبقى مثل هذه. لا توجد خطط لإدراج E. Condiments. 3) مزيج إيرادات إتس 8211 70 السوق المفتوحة، 26 سرتك (شركات النقل البري الحكومية) و 4 الصادرات. هامش الربح الإجمالي هو 26، 35، 38 على التوالي. أيام المدين هي 40-60 يوما، 90 يوما و 90 يوما مع لك على التوالي. السيرة الذاتية تشكل 96 من الإيرادات و 4 يأتي من البرامج التلفزيونية المغلقة. التحديث هو اكتساب الجر بقيادة تحسين الوعي، وخلق العلامة التجارية من قبل لاعبين مثل إت، إينداغ الخ وعي التكاليف لأصحاب الأساطيل. وتكاليف الإطارات شاحنة جديدة 20K، في حين تكاليف الإطارات متجدد 5K ولها 80 الحياة من الإطارات الجديدة. سلسلة القيمة 8211 أصحاب الأساطيل تعطي الإطارات ل ديلرسريتريدرز، الذين بدورهم شراء مواد التجديد من لاعبين مثل إت والقيام التجديد وإعادة إعادته لأصحاب الأساطيل. معظم المحققين في السوق هي غير حصرية أي أنها تعمل لجميع اللاعبين. يستخدم التجفيف قبل الشفاء للسير الذاتية، الكهروضوئية، وما إلى ذلك في حين يتم تجديد الساخنة ل أوترس، ومركبات التعدين الخ التي تعمل على الأسطح الصلبة والعمل المطلوب أكثر شاقة. وتستخدم تقنيات إعادة التدوير الساخنة جدا والمعالجة مسبقا. هناك hasn8217t كان أي تغيير المواد في التكنولوجيا على مدى سنوات عديدة. 4) يتم استيفاء 50 من طلب الاستبدال بواسطة الإطارات المجددة في الهند. على الصعيد العالمي وهذا هو أعلى بكثير 8211 في الولايات المتحدة هو 80 الإطارات ريددد. تدريجيا سوف تتحرك الهند أعلى نحو الإطارات المجددة مع زيادة الوعي فوائدها وأيضا هذه هي أكثر كفاءة بيئيا. لذلك على مدى حصة الوقت من الإطارات ريتريدد سوف ترتفع. صناعة التجديد في الهند هو 3200 كر. صناعة 8211 50 نظمت 8211 منظمة تنمو في 10 حجم النمو. ومن المرجح أن يستمر هذا النمو مع التحول تدريجيا من القطاع غير المنظم. غست يمكن أن توفر فيليب لهذا التحول. وكان نمو حجم إتس في FY16 10. أبولو، مرف الخ تبحث لإدخال الفضاء التجريبي 8211 ولكنهم don8217t نرى هذا تهديدا. واحد هؤلاء الرجال لديهم صراع كما أنها تبيع الإطارات وثانيا it8217s صناعة صغيرة جدا بالنسبة لهم. ومع ذلك، على الصعيد العالمي هناك سوق كبير تجديد ولكن 8217s أيضا نضجت جدا. الهند سوف يستغرق سنوات لتصنيع المعدات الأصلية الاطارات للنظر في هذه الصناعة هادف. 5) هم في عملية تغيير شبكة التوزيع الخاصة بهم من الموزعين فقط إلى مزيج من الموزعين والامتياز الحصري. وفي السنة المالية 2016، جاء 10 إيرادات من خلال الامتياز في السنة المالية 2016 (6 في السنة المالية 2015)، ويتوقعون أن تصل إلى 40 في السنة المالية 2017. لديهم حاليا 46 امتياز وسوف تبقى إضافة هذه. ميزة هي أنها يمكن أن تهمة أسعار أعلى بنسبة 15-20 من خلال الامتياز الحصري وأيضا حفظ على هامش القناة. وهذا يؤدي إلى 5 هامش ربح أعلى. على سبيل المثال، في وقت سابق ميداس كان يبيع في 140kg و إت في 120. الآن إت قادرة على بيع في 170KG. إلجي المطاط يتبع حاليا هذا النموذج من الامتياز الحصري. في حين أن إنداغ كان يتبع هذا النموذج ولكن انتقل إلى نموذج الموزع لأنها وجدت صعوبة في توسيع نطاقه. في نموذج الامتياز فوائد أخرى هناك الولاء العلامة التجارية الجيدة، وأنها يمكن أن تسيطر على النظام البيئي بأكمله وضمان أفضل المبيعات والخدمات. ومع ذلك، قابلية هو قضية التي تحاول إت لمعالجة من خلال ضمان التركيز على كل الامتياز وتحفيز الامتياز من خلال ضمان الحد الأدنى من الأعمال الخ 6) لديهم أيضا 2 مراكز تجديد في تشيناي وبنغالور التي تظهر عملية التجديد وأيضا بمثابة مراكز العلامة التجارية. لديهم أيضا إنفينيتي المناطق التي هي لرؤية العلامة التجارية ومنافذ متميزة. وتوفر هذه المنافذ أيضا الدعم التسويقي للمتجددين. كما تقوم بتنظيم حملات مالكي الأساطيل في كل منطقة حيث يستدعون 100-150 من أصحاب الأساطيل، كما يقومون بتثقيفهم حول فوائد الإطارات المجددة وغيرها من الخدمات وأيضا سماع ملاحظاتهم. بهذه الطريقة هم قادرون على الاقتراب من أصحاب الأساطيل. وقد ساعد ذلك على استهداف أصحاب الأساطيل مباشرة في بعض المناطق بدلا من الاعتماد على المجندين. تتطلع إت إلى وضع نفسها كحل واحد لوقف تجديد 8211 توريد مواد ذات جودة عالية، ملحقات (صمغ، إسمنت، إلخ)، صيانة الآلات، توافر العمالة الماهرة، التسويق والوعي بالتجديد. وقد بدأوا الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية آلات مفغ وأنها توريد هذه الآلات إلى ريتريدرز 8211 هذا ضمان المواد ذات نوعية جيدة متسقة والإطارات ريتريدد. ولن تنطوي على أي نفقات رأس مال كبيرة. ولديهم أيضا معهد للتدريب حيث يقومون بتدريب العمال. 7) وقد زاد تركيز الإدارة بشكل كبير في السنوات القليلة الماضية، كما أنها قد أدخلت المهنيين مما أدى إلى التغييرات المذكورة أعلاه. أيضا في وقت سابق كانت عائلة ميران تركز فقط على E. التوابل. ولكن الآن مكورميك كشريك وأيضا أن الشركة قد استقرت، وسوف تساعد على زيادة تركيزها على إت. حركة سعر المواد الخام هي تمر من خلال 1 شهر تأخر 8211 لذلك تقتصر مخاطر الأسعار إلى 1 شهر. عادة هامش الربح سوف تتحسن في أوقات انخفاض أسعار المطاط والعكس بالعكس بسبب تأثير البسط المقاسم. في حالة ريتريدرز، انخفاض أسعار المطاط مفيد لأنها عادة دون 8217t تمرير على تلك المنفعة في حين أنها تأخذ الأسعار في أوقات ارتفاع أسعار المطاط. وارتفعت أسعار المطاط حتى 40 في مارس-Apr821716 8211 أنها اتخذت زيادة سعر 11 في مايو 821716 8211 وهذا سوف تغطي إلى حد كبير ارتفاع أسعار المواد الخام، فإنها تتوقع أسعار المطاط لتصحيح المضي قدما، وفي نهاية المطاف لا تؤثر على هامش الربح الإجمالي مع مرور الوقت. 8) رؤية طويلة الأجل هو تحقيق لا. 2. ويتمثل هدفها في الحفاظ على نسبة إجمالية قدرها 65 (66.5 في السنة المالية 2015-2016). مع مرور الوقت أنها يمكن أن تفعل هامش الربح الإجمالي 37-38. القدرة الحالية من 12000 طن متري والاستفادة من 45. ويمكن أن تصل إلى 60 استخدام في السنة المالية 2017. يمكن أن تفعل 200 كر. الإيرادات مع القدرة الحالية و 5 كر. النفقات الرأسمالية. رأس المال من 7-8 كر. أكثر من 2 سنة 8211 5 كر. على القدرة و 2-3 كر. على الأتمتة في النباتات. رأس المال الصيانة من 50 لاكس. الصادرات هي 4 من الإيرادات وأنها تستهدف أن تنمو كبيرة. هذا العام يشاركون في 5 معارض رئيسية في ألمانيا وهانوفر وكوالالمبور دلهي الخ وتستهدف 50 p. a. نمو الصادرات. ولا يدفع أي راتب للمديرين لأنهم جميعا من أفراد الأسرة، ومعظمهم من أسهمهم في الشركة. كما أنها لا تشارك بنشاط في إدارة الأعمال. اتجاه الخصم هو ما يصل الى السوق بطيئة. يتم احتساب الخصم كجزء من المصاريف األخرى. وانخفضت الشركة عن الربع السابق بمقدار 230 نقطة أساس في الربع الرابع من السنة المالية 2016 بسبب ارتفاع مصاريف الترويج على حقوق الامتياز وارتفاع تكاليف الموظفين (المكافآت). في حين أن واردات الإطارات الصينية هي التهديد، وقابلية ردها سيئة. أيضا نوعية الإطارات سيئة وتعتبر غير آمنة وهذه الإطارات انهيار أيضا الكثير. لديهم don8217t لديها أي خطط لدخول أي جزء آخر. إنداغ المطاط لم زيادة الأسعار بعد انتهاء انتهاء الإعفاء 8211 أنها سوف تتحمل التكاليف. لا توجد خطط لجمع الأموال أو زيادة حصة المروج. كسيدك الذي يحمل 11.75 حصة يتطلع للخروج وأي يوم يتوقع صفقة كبيرة الدهون الأكبر أن يحدث. لا توجد سياسة توزيع أرباح. راجع للشغل: كما يمكن أن ينظر إليه فإنه يأخذ جهودا ضخمة للحفر في الشركات الصغيرة لم يسمع بها والتي يمكن أن تكون بلويشيبس من الغد. لا الاعتماد أو مملة هند يونيليفر يمكن أن توفر لك هذا النوع من المال التي يمكن أن تساعدك على التقاعد غنية في وقت مبكر. حول لإطلاق بعض سيبي المتوافقة مع الخدمات الصغيرة وميدكاب يعني فقط للمريض على المدى الطويل منضبط المستثمرين. هل ملء النموذج إذا كان يهمك. سعيد استثمار الناس. ملاحظة: للحصول على قضايا أو المساعدة يرجى الاتصال ديبندو في 9007652301. كان وقتا طويلا منذ بلوغ حصلت على تحديث. لقد تغيرت الحياة للخير بعد إطلاق شاريبازار الروبوت التطبيق. بحث شير بازار أرون في بلايستور لتحميل البرنامج. في وقت قصير جدا كما تعلمون الناس حققنا حجم ما يقرب من 30000 مشترك، دون اللجوء إلى أي الدعاية أو وسيلة للتحايل التسويق. من المؤتمرات لإجراء عموم الهند ورش العمل، وأشياء كثيرة أبقى لي المحتلة. قريبا، سيتم عقد ورش عمل دولية، بدءا من دبي قريبا. سيبي أيضا وقفت بالتأكيد من حيث شد تجار التجزئة بطريقة أفضل. وبالتالي، لن ترغب في تسمية أي الأسهم ولكن تلميحات قد تساعدك فقط لجعل من الأسماء وحفر المزيد على القصص. 1) وقد أعجب الأقوياء مع كومبوندر الصينية التي أيضا تغيرت مؤخرا اسمها للدلالة على تركيزها المتجدد. وقد حقق الوالدان سجلا رائعا من النمو السنوي المركب 65 في السنوات العشرين الماضية أو نحو ذلك. ونقلت الوالدين الصينيين في المتوسط ​​بي لأكثر من 50 منذ إدراجها. حتى لو كان يمكن أن تفعل جزءا من ما فعله الوالد، فإن الأسهم التي تأتي مع الأسهم لا شيء تقريبا العائمة، تتحرك في مدار مختلف. كانت متضاعفة منذ بلدي رانتسباني تويتر قد حصلت مؤخرا أوامر كبيرة من إف والسيمفونية. الشركات ثروات هي أكثر عرضة للتغيير كما أكبر زبائنها تحويل قاعدة من بلدان مثل أستراليا إلى الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية كل شيء من الهند. يجب أن تبقي على أداء أفضل من كوز من 500crs التوسع، النسب النسبية ونمو النمو. مكلفة في المستويات الحالية ولكن مع المتوقع 50 نمو الخط السفلي ل 3-4 سنوات القادمة، الأسهم يمثل فرصة مثيرة للاهتمام في الانخفاضات الطفيف. ديونها الحرة كما في التاريخ مع سقف السوق من حوالي 800crs. النتائج التي يجب أن تكون معلقة يأتي في 30 مايو. 2) لاعب سحابة ديسي مشيدا من تشيناي كان المفضل لي لمدة 3 سنوات الماضية. قدمت الشركة مؤخرا مجموعة لائقة من الأرقام. استبعاد تكاليف الموظفين وأنها سوف تبدو رهيبة. كما تمتنع الشركة عن اتخاذ أي أوامر مع هامش ربح إجمالي تحت 65-70. لها الأعمال التجارية قابلة للتطوير على نطاق واسع مع حجم السوق التراكمي قابل للعلاج من 2.5 لاخ كر الذي هو التوسع جنون وتعيين لتوسيع أبعد في 26-30 ل أتليست 5 سنوات على التوالي. الرافعة المالية النشط إلى جانب تيلويندس غنية قوية و سوبر سوبر المبيعات الرجل (كان قد بدأ مع الموظفين من ثلاثة أشخاص في سنغافورة ل ساتيام في عام 2000، وواصلت لتوسيع نطاق الأعمال التجارية في 15 مراكز التنمية و 33 مكتب المبيعات في 20 دولة مع أكثر من 4،000 موظف. انضم إلى الانضمام هكل-D الحصول على وقته، نمو هكلس في المنطقة كانت مذهلة، 60 في المئة في النمو على اساس سنوى، على سبيل المثال. فقد أصبحت المنطقة الأسرع نموا ل هكل) يجعل وصفة مثالية ل مولتباجر محتملة. وينبغي أن تكون السنة المالية 2016-2017 هي الأفضل بالنسبة لهم. أوه نعم في حالة نفس الذهب هونشو القياسية يستقيل، تدخر أي وقت في الخروج على الفور. وهذا لا يزال أكبر خطر لهذه الشركة بعينها. ديونها الحرة كما في التاريخ مع سقف السوق من حوالي 2000crs. 3) كان شاربازار مذهلة ورشة عمل طوال اليوم في كوشين مؤخرا. كان بعض وقت الفراغ الذي كان يستخدم بهدوء في زيارة مناطق الآلهة بلدهم. لم تحصل على فرصة للحصول على لمحات من هذا النبات الشركة. لأنه يأتي مع إدارة ذات مصداقية عالية التي تبذل كل ما هو ممكن لخلق الكثير من المساهمين الثروة. تير التجديد تكتسب الجر بقيادة تحسين الوعي، وخلق العلامة التجارية من قبل اللاعبين وعي التكاليف لأصحاب الأساطيل. وتكاليف الإطارات شاحنة جديدة 20K، في حين تكاليف الإطارات متجدد 5K ولها 80 الحياة من الإطارات الجديدة. فهي في طور تغيير شبكة التوزيع من الموزعين فقط إلى مزيج من الموزعين والامتياز الحصري. وفي السنة المالیة 2016، جاء 10 من الإیرادات من خلال أصحاب الامتياز في السنة المالیة 2016 (6 في السنة المالیة 2015) ویتوقعون أن یرتفع إلی 40 في السنة المالیة 2017. لديهم حاليا 46 امتياز وسوف تبقى إضافة هذه. ميزة هي أنها يمكن أن تهمة أسعار أعلى بنسبة 15-20 من خلال الامتياز الحصري وأيضا حفظ على هامش القناة. وهذا يؤدي إلى 5 هامش ربح أعلى. على سبيل المثال، في وقت سابق ميداس كان يبيع في 140kg والشركة في 120. الآن أنها قادرة على بيع في 170KG. الشركة هي تقريبا خالية من الديون بقدر ما يتعلق الأمر الديون طويلة الأجل. ومن المقرر أن تنمو الشركة بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب 30 لمدة 5 سنوات القادمة. سوف يكون التطرف من نوع كبير موضوعا لمشاهدة واحرص على مزيد من ركوب الموضوع. كرالاس بافيت لم يجعلها مكلفة مع تغريداته ولكن التوقعات على المدى الطويل تبدو أكثر من قوية. ماركتيكاب تقف في حوالي 60crs. 4) حدث ذلك كان الجحيم عازمة على البحث عن لاعب الذي هو انتزاع حصتها في السوق من عملاق. جيفانجور، بدا لاعب لاصق أفضل مناسبا واستمرت مع بحثي. ل سكوتليبوت يعني، والتفاعل مع الكثير من التجار ومديري المبيعات ولكن النتيجة لم يكن جذابة. وأخيرا، أنهى بحثي بعد أن كشف مدير مبيعات سابق عن الكثير من الأشياء غير الملهمة التي أجبرته على الإقلاع عن الشركة. وأشار أيضا إلى شركته الجديدة وكيف أبقاه متحمسا إلى الحد الذي أدى إلى نمو 70 الحارقة في منطقته. وبالمناسبة، وقعت نفس الشركة لتكون مدرجة في القائمة التي كان في ذلك الوقت ماركيتكاب صغيرة من 15crs فقط. الشركة مع اسم العلامة التجارية من اليورو 7000، هو في المواد اللاصقة الغراء الأبيض، ورفع حجمها 11X في السنوات ال 5 الماضية، وتبحث لتحقيق مكافأة 100crs من قبل 2 سنوات القادمة. حصلت الشركة منتج هائل اسمه D3 الذي يأخذ 60kgs لتوفير السندات المطلوبة بينما فيفيكول يفعل الشيء نفسه في 100 كلغ. لديهم قوة التسعير، وحصلت على هامش الربح الإجمالي 45-50 وتنفق ثروة في جبهة التسويق. وتمتلك الشركة أيضا إمدادات قوية جدا والتوزيع تصل إلى 7000 تجار في 13 ولاية و 130 مدينة. فيفيكول، على مدى العامين الماضيين اكتسبت شركات مماثلة من خلال دفع أكثر من 2X المبيعات. الأسهم منذ ذلك الحين أكثر من الضعف مع ماركيتكاب الحالي لا يزال في الرقم المتضاربة من 40crs. وقد تم مؤخرا الإفراج الكامل عن حملة المروجين حيث تم التعهد بتقديم 97 منها. 5) لا حتى المطلوبة لقلم أي شيء لهذا واحد. بريم واتسا مع استثماراته الكبيرة في ذلك، أوبينس كرافتلي. في عام 2010 كان ناهوش جاريوالا وثلاثة من أصدقاء الطفولة وأسرهم يقضون عطلة معا في محمية النمر في وسط الهند. ناهوش وابن عمه راجان قد أسس الشركة في عام 1985 وأدرجها في بورصة لندن في عام 1995. في حين ناهوش كان أحلام كبيرة لرجال الأعمال، لم يكن راجان حريصة جدا، حتى في حين لا يزال في عطلة نهوش 8217s قرر ثلاثة أصدقاء أنهم سوف يشترون راجان ودعم نهوش 8217s خطط النمو العدوانية. على مدى السنوات الخمس التالية حتى وصلنا إلى سماع هذه الشركة، ناهوش نمت أضعافا مضاعفة قدرتها التصنيعية من 8،000 إلى 45،000 طن متري سنويا. إنها شركة أوليو للكيماويات. المواد الكيميائية أوليو هي، على نطاق واسع، والمواد الكيميائية التي تستمد من الدهون النباتية أو الحيوانية، والتي يمكن استخدامها لصنع كل من المنتجات الصالحة للأكل والمنتجات غير الصالحة للأكل. في السنوات الأخيرة كان إنتاج المواد الكيميائية أوليو تتحرك من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية واليابان إلى البلدان الآسيوية بسبب توافر المحلي من المواد الخام الرئيسية. أنها تحتل مكانة فريدة من نوعها في هذا المجال اللعب العالمي الكبير. وقد طورت تكنولوجيا داخلية تستخدم الآلات المصنعة من قبل الشركات الأوروبية الرائدة لتحويل النفايات المتولدة أثناء إنتاج فول الصويا وعباد الشمس والذرة وزيت القطن إلى مواد كيميائية قيمة. وتشمل هذه المواد الكيميائية الأحماض التي تدخل في المنتجات غير الصالحة للأكل مثل الصابون والمنظفات ومنتجات العناية الشخصية والدهانات وغيرها من المنتجات التي تستخدم في صناعة الأطعمة الصحية وفيتامين E. ويشمل عملاء الشركة 8217s كبرى الشركات متعددة الجنسيات بما في ذلك باسف وآرتشر دانيلز ميدلاند، كارجيل، المواد العضوية المتقدمة، إفكو للكيماويات والدهانات الآسيوية. يعمل من مصنع واحد في أحمد آباد. لديها أكبر قدرة معالجة للأحماض الدهنية الطبيعية الناعمة القائمة على النفط في الهند. على مدى السنوات العشر الماضية، نمت المبيعات في 23 في السنة إلى 27 مليون دولار، والربح بعد الضرائب قد نما في 30 سنويا إلى 2.3 مليون. في 8 فبراير 2016 اشترينا 45 حصة من ثلاثة أصدقاء من ناهوش ومساهمين آخرين في (212) روبية (3.12) للسهم الواحد. بلدي اثنين سنتا: الأعمال التجارية هائلة مع الحواجز دخول عالية. توفر هيدويندس الحالية فرصة لمدى الحياة لطالبي القيمة الذين يتطلعون إلى مضاعفة رأس المال على مدى السنوات الخمس المقبلة. راجع للشغل: نحن على استعداد لإطلاق بعض الخدمات المثيرة للاهتمام يعني فقط للمستثمرين على المدى الطويل. المهتمين الرجال الثابتة والمتنقلة البريد في أرونشارماركيتغمايل للحصول على التفاصيل. كما يمكنك تراجع ال واتساب في 9007652301. سعيد استثمار الناس. الندوات وورش العمل: حول أن يكون طويل 8 ساعات ورشة عمل المستثمرين في أماكن مثل دلهي، هيدرباد وكلكتا على مدى 3 أسابيع القادمة. هل القلم البريد في أرونشارماركيتغمايل إذا كنت مهتما في كونها جزءا منه. في ورشة عمل مومباي الأخيرة، نوقشت مواضيع الجوت وشيفيوت بالمناسبة كان يقتبس في حوالي 700 ثم. يتيح القلم ما جذبني في هذه الشركة. ملاحظة: هذه الأيام أنا المحتلة إلى حد كبير مع ورش العمل والحلقات الدراسية التي نواجهها عموم الهند. وكان أحدث مشروع حصة بازار الروبوت التطبيق ضربة ضخمة مع ما يقرب من 30000 التنزيلات على مدى الأشهر القليلة الماضية. المدونات على وشك أن تكون عفا عليها الزمن بسبب التقدم التكنولوجي، وبالتالي قرار ترحيل كل شيء في التطبيق. هل تحميل التطبيق الرجال إذا كنت قد فعلت حتى الآن. مجرد بحث شير بازار أرون في مخزن اللعب. كوت: شركة شيفيوت هي واحدة من الأمثلة الرئيسية من الشركات التي تجعل الكثير من المال من الألياف الخضراء والصوت الاستثمارات. هارش فاردهان كانوريا خلقت الذهب من الصناعة، التي صنعت حرفيا مع رحيل البريطانيين في عام 1947. اليوم، مع وحدات المعالجة ودوران تتجاوز 265 كرور روبية، شركة شيفيوت يجعل المزيد من المال من الجوت واستثمارات الشركات، في عام، من معظم الشركات من شأنها أن تجعل من أي وقت مضى في حياتهم. في حين أن كولكاتا قد عقد مختلفة وهذا يعني لمختلف الناس، لأصحاب الحالي من شيفيوت-عائلة كانوريا، الشمس أبدا تعيين على الجوت حتى مع انهيار الإمبراطورية البريطانية. مقدمة: شركة شفيوت المحدودة (كل) التي تأسست في عام 1897، هي الشركة الرائدة في مجموعة شيفيوت، التي لديها مصالح في الجوت والشاي والجلود الشركات. تقوم شركة كل بتصنيع خيوط وأقمشة الجوت ذات القيمة العالية، مثل خيوط الجوت الدقيقة ذات الجرح الدقيق، وقماش القماش، والحقائب والحقائب الهيسية، وأكياس الحقائب (لتعبئة حبوب الطعام وأغراض أخرى مرتبطة بها)، وقماش هيسي متفوق. برئاسة السيد ه. ف.كانوريا تحت قيادته، أظهرت المجموعة أداء نموذجيا عاما تلو الآخر. وهو رجل صناعي بارز يتمتع بخبرة واسعة تمتد إلى 40 عاما في التعامل بنجاح مع صناعات الجوت والشاي والجلود. كما دخلت الشركة في فئة منتجات جديدة بإضافة أكياس تسوق الجوت في خطوط منتجاتها الحالية. الشركة يلبي كل من التصدير والأسواق المحلية. ولديها وحدتان للتصنيع في ولاية البنغال الغربية: واحدة في بودج بودج وواحدة في منطقة فالتا الاقتصادية الخاصة (وحدة موجهة نحو التصدير). الطلب على الأكياس الصديقة للبيئة: إن الطلب على المنتجات الخضراء من منتجات الجوت مثل منتجات البستنة وأكياس التسوق والمنسوجات الجغرافية ولب الورق والورق والمنسوجات المنزلية وأغطية الأرضيات والمنسوجات غير المنسوجة مرتفع جدا على مستوى المستهلكين 8217 في السوق الدولية بسبب الوعي المتزايد حول البيئة. من هذه المنتجات، وأكياس التسوق المصنوعة من الجوت هي الآن الأكثر مبيعا البنود. وقد ذهبت دول كثيرة مثل الولايات المتحدة (الإمارات العربية المتحدة) والإمارات العربية المتحدة بالفعل لاستبدال أكياس التسوق البلاستيكية من أكياس التسوق المصنوعة من الجوت. كما يزداد الطلب على الأكياس الصديقة للبيئة في أوروبا الغربية وأستراليا والشرق الأوسط وآسيا والبلدان الأفريقية. وسوف يكون حجم السوق العالمية لأكياس التسوق المصنوعة من الجوت 500 مليار قطعة، أي ما يعادل سبعة ملايين طن من منتجات الجوت، في الأيام المقبلة، مع الجهود المبذولة لوقف استخدام البوليثين أو المواد البلاستيكية تماما في جميع أنحاء العالم بسبب تأثير سلبي على البيئة. ألياف المستقبل: المواد المركبة والمركبة من الألياف الاصطناعية (أي الألياف الزجاجية، ألياف الكربون وما إلى ذلك) متاحة بالفعل كمنتجات للاستخدامات الاستهلاكية والصناعية. الجوت هي واحدة من هذه الألياف الطبيعية التي يمكن أن تقلل من تأثير على البيئة. وهي متوفرة في وفرة وقوية ويشار إليها على نحو متزايد باسم 8220fiber من المستقبل 8221. الجوت شغل المركبات ب هي اليوم تستخدم بنجاح لمختلف المكونات والمواد. ولا تزال الهند إلى حد كبير اقتصاد زراعي يحتاج إلى توليد عمالة ضخمة في المناطق الريفية من أجل نمو سريع في عدد السكان. وتظهر االختراقات التكنولوجية، مثل مركبات البولي بروبلين المليئة بالجوت، الطريق أمام التنمية االقتصادية للجماهير من خالل الزواج من أحدث التقنيات والبحوث مع المحاصيل النقدية لخلق الرخاء الريفي والصناعي. تقدم جديد في مجمع الجوت: تقدم ستير في بنغالور تقدما جديدا في مركبات الجوت التي تساعد في استخدام األلياف في قطع غيار السيارات) تحت غطاء المحرك (ومواد بناء المساكن أو حتى حاويات الطهي القابلة للميكروويف. هذا المجمع الجديد يمكن أن يكون لها تأثير مضاعف ليس فقط على قطاع الجوت، ولكن الاقتصاد الهندي بأكمله من خلال فتح فرصة سوق ضخمة. البوليمرات الجوت لتوفير فرصة ممتازة لصناعة شروق الشمس جديدة في الظهور، وخلق الآلاف من فرص العمل في ولاية البنغال الغربية، وأوريسا وبيهار. ومن المتوقع أن يساعد تعميم بوليمرات الجوت على تقديم دفعة رئيسية لحملة "جعل الهند في الهند" 8217، عن طريق تعميم استخدام الجوت في قطاعات أخرى، مما يحفز النشاط الصناعي. Jute polymers are certain to greatly benefit the jute industry with its ability to transform the traditional use of jute for modern day products, thus, touching human lives. Advantage over Bangladesh :India and Bangladesh together accounts for the 95 of worlds jute production. The cost of producing quality yarn is 40 per cent higher in Bangladesh than in India because of the technological disadvantages. India has set up composite jute mills with modern machinery and technologies for production of fabrics, dyeing or lamination under one roof. Bangladesh has nearly 250 jute mills, but none of them has the dyeing and lamination facilities, which are essential to producing diversified products, according to exporters. Potential for an anti-dumping tax: Around 125 lakh bales of jute sacks are needed just to package crop seeds in India. Indian jute mills can produce only 25 lakh bales of jute. The Indian Jute Mill Association (IJMA) has already pleaded for an anti-dumping tax in case Bangladeshi goods enter India. The Indian jute commission is considering the plea, and is soon to give a decision about it. This decision is aiming provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners which is a very big positive as there are barely few survivors in the industry. Jute Particle Board: They are used as substitutes for wood. The availability of the technologies for producing particleboards and its high socio-economic value are arguments in favour of the future development of this product. The use of wood in house construction, furniture, etc. is slowly being discouraged due to environmental reasons. The use of jute particle board as a substitute has been found to be quite acceptable both in terms of quality and price. Strong Financial Risk Profile: CRISILs ratings on the bank facilities of Cheviot Co Ltd (CCL) continue to reflect CCLs strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth, low reliance on external debt and strong liquidity. The ratings also factor in the strong business risk profile, with an established market position in the jute industry, a diversified product profile, and a wide distribution network. Jute has always been a dull and boring sector. However, several positive advancement drew my attention to this sector. Several innovations ranging from diversified uses of Jute and Jute compounds (as discussed above) implies a turning tables for this sector. Also there has been a rise in demand for jute products all across the globe. Several countries have already banned use of plastic bags in their grocery markets and shopping malls. Thus, demand has been projected to increase 50 times within next five years if the eco-friendly trend continues. Potential for an anti-dumping tax which is a game changer, would provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners as there are barely few players in the industry. Recently MD of Gloster (one of the leading Jute players) emphasized in an interview that this is a 8216golden period8217 for the jute industry with several sectoral tailwinds. He guided a robust rise in export demand in coming quarters. He also said that the upcoming quarters will see a very sleek growth which they have never seen before. Concerns: Adverse regulatory changes in the jute industry may impact the top line and thus the regulatory risk would always prevail. Revenues coming in from exports have been a significant rise in past several quarters, fluctuations in currency can pose a threat. Also the RM prices which is Raw jute been on a recent upswing which can put pressure on its margins. Financials: Company over the past 5 years have grown its topline and bottomline at a CAGR of 8 and 13 respectively. But the half yearly results of 2015-16 presents an entirely different picture where the company has delivered an impressive sales growth of 25 to register a figure of 150crs vs 120crs. Profits have more than doubled to 23crs vs 11crs. The third quarter numbers probably should be the best since its inception. Conclusion: I liked Cheviot for its attractive valuations (in terms of EV) along with strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth and low reliance on external debt. It has huge investments and cash on book worth Rs. 200 Cr and it8217s almost debt free. Thus, on EV basis it is available at a very reasonable price. Currently it is quoting at a 6 forward PE and given the tailwinds even a meagre rerating up to 10 PE would make it move way higher. Promoters are owning 75 stake of the company. CCL has also been very generous with its consistent 20 dividend pay-out policy in past 5 years. So even dividends will be 2x with 100 rise in bottom line. Also, CCL doesn8217t needs any capex and has huge reserves so one can expect another bonus due to low equity base. (Last bonus was in 2006).There are very few listed players in Jute industry in India. All are with very tiny equities and limited floating stock. So even average accumulation can make them run into circuits. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have Cheviot in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. After the launch of my Share Bazaar android app, the workload has increased many a times. Hardly theres any time to do blogging. As you all know the app has been a huge hit with downloads been nearly 25000 in a very small time. For the uninitiated, to download-go to play store and search Share Bazaar Arun. Do give your reviews and ratings folks. Microsec Financial Services AGM Notes (QampA) E-commerce Divisions:- 1. Are we planning to raise Private Equity for both our E-Commerce division Ans: We were anxious when we started both e-com divisions but in retrospect we believe it was one of the greatest decision we ever made. Usually in a typical e-commerce start up, it takes huge amount of cash burning to achieve a GMV of 100crs but we are aiming to achieve that feet by remaining debt free. We are going to set a benchmark by achieving this only from a single state in India (West Bengal) which has been unprecedented in the world of E-commerce. And yes we are looking to raise money for both the verticals. 2. What is the USP of our E-com Services Will ban on selling online medicine(if at all happens) affect us Ans: The USP of the company is our last mile delivery where 99 of the logistics costs are borne by the franchises. (Company gave the examples of newspaper where the logistics costs are Zero.) We dont sell prescribed drugs online. Sastasundar forwards the lead to its offline brickampmortar franchisehealthbuddies and they deliver the order to the customer. Its just a lead generation medium. 3. As medspa, Apollo pharmacy, netmeds, pm ventures are all in the same business as Sastasunder, What are we doing to thwart competition Ans: Competition makes business and the arena is too large. The retail pharmacy market is worth over 70000crs and theres a room for everyone to have their own pie. 4. We are entering Karnataka. What would be the strategy Are we also entering other states Ans: Strategy is to repeat what we are doing in Kolkata. Sastasundar will further expand in Mumbai and other big cities by 2016. 5. In medicine distribution we need large inventories. Even we supply the inventory to our franchise owners. How are we playing it Are we ready for addition in future debt Ans: Company is against too much debt however we may need some for taking care of our WC requirements. 6. What is the ratio of repeat customers to new customers What are we doing to retain our old customers Ans: Repeat Customers contribute to 75 of the present top line. Company is taking all initiatives to retain its existing customers. 7. What is the credit cycle from where we procure the medicines Ans: (Didnt gave a clear answer but hinted of a good credit cycle once they garner in big volumes) 8. How many franchises we have till date What is out average franchise revenue What is the number of franchise we are looking to add over the coming few years Ans: 87 in total, 81 franchise and 6 company owned stores. Company looking to appoint more franchises. Aims for a number of 225 within the next fiscal. 9. What is the ebitda margin we will have after counting for 15 discounts and 8 commission to franchises How can we compete with the retail pharmacist stores Ans: Our medicine distribution margins are 30. The retail pharmacist averages margin of around 20. So theres nothing to worry on that front. Sastasundar makes around 7. 10. How many brands are attached with foreseegames as on date Ans: Its around 120 and yes the target is to tieup with 500 brands ASAP. 11. We brag about 11 lakh users in foresee then why is the revenue is not even 50 lakhs Ans: Foreseegame will see increased monetization from Brand partners going forward, however current strategy is more focused on acquiring more brand partners. 12. Foreseegame itself is engaging but the worst part is we have just 33k likes Facebook on user base of 1.1 million. Why arent we looking at it One of our peer latestone came into the arena much later yet they have 7-8 lakh fans in no time and increasing at a rapid speed. Ans: (The Company appreciated the fact and promised to look into the issue at the earliest.) 13. Why arent we marketing enough We dont see foresee ads in TVs. They are nowhere. We havent even done a SEO, let alone AdWords. Nobody can see us if they Google up online games. Why is it so Ans: Not fond of marketing in the television world. SEO and other needed necessities are actively looked upon which will help the company to increase its users. 14. Have we got a break even target in our verticals When we will break even in e-com verticals Ans: Company looking to break even by fy17-18. Both e-com verticals are exceeding expectations as of now. 15. Do we make profit from every transaction What is the ratio of our private level biz to the medicine biz What is the margin we make from our private biz Ans: We are making profit from most transactions, if not all. The ratio is hardly much to talk about as of now. Private level business margins around 50. 16. What about our recent launches: chef on and others Are we seeing any traction What has been the acceptance of our customers Ans: Chefon: the made to order segment has seen immediate traction after its recent launch. Company is getting 400-500 enquires on a daily basis. 17. In Foreseegame we often provide Sastasunder currency to our game buddies which in turn inflates the topline. Out of 21crs topline in Sastasunder, what has been its contribution last fiscal Ans: That is less than half a percent of the total turnover. 18. Any revenue guidance for foresee and Sastasunder in the present fiscal Next year 17 and by 2020 Ans: Foreseegame should more than double its turnover this year. Sastasundars GMV should be heading to 100crs within the next few quarters. 19. Zapak games recently got valued at 1000crs, be it alexa rank or minutes spend in the site it8217s beneath foreseegame by every standard. Are we looking to unlock value by divesting a stake Ans: Lot of offers from private equity. Foreseegame will dilute in favour of a private equity to unlock value. Should be done at a good valuation. 20. Ironically whenever we announce our results, we see our stock being hammered owing to higher losses. Would we see the same in future Ans: (We aren8217t bothered about stock prices or market cap. The company is in a solid footing and with time, the right valuation should definitely chip in.) Financial Services Division:- 21. It8217s been quite a while since the demergerdivestment news was announced by the company. When is it actually happening Ans: Our core was finance and its a pretty emotional decision to hive off the same. However, we believe in being ahead of the time and hence will soon do what8217s best for the business. 22. We have a capital employed of over 100crs in the financial vertical. We have got large holdings running worth several Crs. We did a PAT of 10crs. Its a brand with intangibles adding up to a good few Crs. Tailwinds are blowing with few recent brokerage deals. Sudhir Valia acquiring fortune financial at 35crs and Sudip banerjee buying out JRG sec at 100crs. So we should get a good valuation right Ans: (They appreciated the fact and hinted about a good deal coming soon. Fathoming the body language, it seems like they will just sell the finance arm rather than demerging it as the full focus is on ECOM.) 23. Presuming we will sell out the Financial Services Division as admitted by Mr mittal earlier, how are we going to deploy that money Would it be fully on Ecom Or can there be a special onetime dividend Ans: As of now we are not in favour of a dividend as the stock price would just adjust it immediately. The money received would be deployed in the ECOM ventures. 24. Promoters own 71 in the company as on date, bit below the max permissible limit of 75. Why arent you buying out the rest This fiscal year the promoters hardly bought anything. Ans: Microsec is the only stock we acquired in last few years. We desire to own the maximum permissible limit of 75 soon. 25. We had an internal target of achieving a billion dollar market cap by 2020. How achievable does it look under the present juncture. Ans: Futile to discuss about market cap at the present juncture. We believe in long term wealth generation for the stakeholders. 26. Is there any chances of selling out fully provided we get an extravagant offer, at a much premium to the present price Ans: No chances of selling out in the next 5 years. What I Perceive: Finance business to be sold soon and then in due course would be demerged in two separate companies. Sastasundar and Foresee to be separately listed in the future. P. s:Please refrain from asking buyingselling stuff. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have MICROSEC in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. Subscription to ArunthestocksguruOpen Brainstorms Hi Guys This is Wahab, Recently relocated to Chennai, Going throu the kind of Climate and People, I have a very good Idea of Dual Small Food Corners and Need a Investor with 50:50 Profit sharing basis If anyone Interested Please Revert Back on 91 7019704566 - Investment may be not More Than 5Lakhs. Or I can also pay upto 3 every Month for 12 Months and return the Funds after an year. Only people with serious Plans contact Hi Guys This is Wahab, Recently relocated to Chennai, Going throu the kind of Climate and People, I have a very good Idea of Dual Small Food Corners and Need a Investor with 50:50 sharing basis If anyone Interested Please Revert Back on 91 7019704566 - Investment may be not More Than 5Lakhs. Or I can also pay upto 3 every Month for 12 Months and return the Funds after an year. Only people with serious Plans contact. hello I am kumar from chennai. I can invest 5 lakhs in production buisness with export oppurtunity. if anyone have good idea and interest then please let me know my contact id is snexpotersgmail Opportunity For All TamilNadu Peoples to Earn Money Daily With Small Investment in Online trading. Online Trading trending in india now starts your Earning. 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E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, face. START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, faceboo I am looking for new business in chennai I dont have have investment but I am hard worker I need a chance to show my business mind. if somebody can support mail me on prakash. nara88gmail START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, face. START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, facebo START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, A New Concept of Education, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, FFC START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, A New Concept of Education, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, C ALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, FFCHGCV START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, face, GF START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, fa START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, A New Concept of Education, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebo START ROBOT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000,-- LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, st arkindustries. in, facebook - f START ROBOT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000,- LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. START ROBOT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - ht. Hi all, I would like to start business with low investment or any need partner I will join with u. and personal also kindly contact by Raja 8144499995 Opportunity For All TamilNadu Peoples to Earn Money Daily With Small Investment in online trading. Online Trading trending in india now starts your Earning. For further Details Contact Mr Jagadesh - 9095421409. Great business opportunity with MNC with all benifits (Fixed salary, PF, Bonus, Increments) without any investments. You can work from home in your own time, no need to come office regularly. Limited vacancies. Interested persons contact 9094200023 Great business opportunity with MNC with all benifits (Fixed salary, PF, Bonus, Increments) without any investments. You can work from home in your own time, no need to come office regularly. Limited vacancies. Interested persons contact 9962560570 Online business trending in india now. Start your own business by maintaining your city business information(Best Caterers, decorators, Best plumbers, Hospitals, Hotels, HomeTutions etc),discountoffers, classifieds, realestates, jobs and news by our powerful search engine based CMS web portal(Google adsense approved) concept. check our webportals dialnizamabad, dialkarimnagar, ournellore etc.100 revenue will be yours. Interested whatsapp 09703817117 or mail me satish19ougmail. Opportunity to Earn Money minimum 400-500rs Daily With Small Investment in online trading. Online Trading trending in india now starts your Earning. For further Details Contact Mr Jagadesh - 9095421409. START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, face Opportunity For to Earn Money minimum 400-500rs Daily In Online Trading With Small Investment. Online Trading trending in india now starts your Earning. For further Details Contact Mr Jagadesh - 9095421409. Online business trending in india now. Start your own business by maintaining your city business information(Best Caterers, decorators, Best plumbers, Hospitals, HomeTutions etc),discountoffers, classifieds, realestates, jobs and news by our powerful search engine based CMS web portal(Google adsense approved) concept. check our websites dialnizamabad, dialkarimnagar, ournellore etc.100 revenue will be yours. Interested whatsapp 09703817117 or mail me satish19ougmail. i have start up facility and event management company in Chennai. if any one is seeking for a facility management operations or event planners, please feel free to contact me 91 8904363980. email me vikie22gmail START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, starkindustries. in ----- START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, starkindustries. in, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. 100 Money Back Gurantee, START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. I have an 50k let me know good business to invest in small business giving a decent profit. contact - meena731gmail share ideas I have an 50k let me know good business to invest in small business giving a decent profit 100 Money Back Gurantee, START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in 100 Money Back Gurantee, START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchise e Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, faceboo Hi this is viswa reddy. we are doing currency and commodity trading in international future market. where you can get huge profit on your investment monthly 6 to 12 profit. we provide agreement, even me also invested in trading and another benefit we provide yearly fixed returns on investment, further details contact me email id:visveswarareddy303gmail START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, face START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Deh radun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, fa Dear Friends, I am doing own CCTV Camera service oriented business, Simultaneously I am earning monthly 15k as referring my clients for creating business websites, yes microsparc infotech company providing 15k per month for referring 2 or 3 new clients per month. More details contact me 9790888830. GET FRANCHISE OF - ROBOTIC ADVERTISING COMPANY - IAR, WE PROVIDE LIFE TIME ASSISTANCE - Need investors, Franchise partners, Master franchise Partners for Robotic AdvertisingTeachingBranding company in India, A new concept of advertising through Robots, ROBOTS can Rs-1000 - 10,000 per hour through Robotic Advertising, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, CLL US - 8755222935, 9690553366, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, starkindustries. in. START YOUR OWN ROBOTIC ADVERTISING COMPANY, WE PROVIDE LIFE TIME ASSISTANCE - Need investors, Franchise partners, Master franchise Partners for Robotic AdvertisingTeachingBranding company in India, A new concept of advertising through Robots, ROBOTS can Rs-1000 - 10,000 per hour through Robotic Advertising, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, CLL US - 8755222935, 9690553366, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, starkindustries. in. ROBOTIC MARKETINGADVERTISING COMPANY, WE PROVIDE LIFE TIME ASSISTANCE - Need investors, Franchise partners, Master franchise Partners for Robotic MarketingAdvertisingTeachingBranding company in India, A new concept of advertising through Robots, ROBOTS can Rs-1000 - 10,000 per hour through Robotic MarketingAdvertising, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, contact us - 8755222935, 9690553366, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, starkindustries. in. ROBOTIC MARKETINGADVERTISING COMPANY, WE PROVIDE LIFE TIME ASSISTANCE - Need investors, Franchise partners, Master franchise Partners for Robotic MarketingAdvertisingTeachingBranding company in India, A new concept of advertising through Robots, ROBOTS can Rs-1000 - 10,000 per hour through Robotic MarketingAdvertising, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, contact us - 8755222935, 9690553366, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, web - starkindustrie Reliance Communications looking for franchise across Chennai to operate Reliance Mobile Store, Very profitable model. Major expansion planned for 4G launch. Great time to invest and associate yourself with a big brand. call me 7667411411 (Balaji) Hi this is viswa reddy. we are doing currency and commodity trading in international future market. where you can get huge profit on your investment monthly 6 to 12 profit. we provide agreement, even me also invested in trading and another benefit we provide yearly fixed returns on investment, further details contact me mbl:91 9094781746 email id:visveswarareddy303gmail what about starting provision stores. Can any one give idea for this. Jayaraman - mjay1960yahoo. co. in - 9962210575 START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindust START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustrie h ello, this is victor from chennai i would like to start business which gives a monthly return of 30k with low investment. can any one give idea please mail or call me on j. a.victor97gmail, cell7373881466,8122881466 START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebo Hello, this is Jayaraman from Chennai, I would like to start business which gives a monthly return of 20k with low investment. Can any one give idea please mail me on mjay1960yahoo. co. in, cell 09962210575 Hi this is viswa reddy. we are doing currency and commodity trading in international future market. where you can get huge profit on your investment monthly 6 to 12 profit. we provide agreement, even me also invested in trading. and we provide fixed returns on investment, further details contact me mbl: 9094781746 email id:visveswarareddy303gmail Hi I am jagadesh from Chennai. Are you interested to invest just 10-15k in online trading with best returns daily minimum 300-400rs. For details contact Mr Jagadesh - 9095421409 Are you interested to invest just 10-15k in online trading with best returns daily. For details contact Mr Jagadesh - 90954214099500586561. Hi everyone, I am strong in networking background I would like to know to start a business in network profile. please contact if you any ideas 9176254151 Hi everybody, i am karthik from choolaimedu chennai, i have godown with small office. and looking for franchise or dealership without or low investment. so if u need or know means business opportunity like that. send details to me this mail id. karthikmail2004yahoo. co. in START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, Low Investment High Returns, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, we Have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore, Belgaum and Dehradun, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E Mail-iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - hi this is viswa reddy, we are doing currency and commodity trading in international future market. where you can get huge profit on your investment monthly 6 to 12 profit. we provide agreement, even me also invested in trading. and we provide fixed returns on investment further details contact me mbl: 919094781746 email id:visveswarareddy303gmail. Hi I am jagadesh from Chennai. Are you interested to invest just 10-15k in online trading with best returns daily. For details contact Mr Jagadesh - 90954214099500586561. Hello all, I am sangeetha working in GBTrade international limited, we are doing currencies and commodity trading in future market it is an investment based business with the returns of 5 to 10 per month interested people may please contact (8883530419) email(sangeethamurugesan94gmail) thank you Hi, My name is kadhiravan, lives in chennai. I am hard worker family mam. Can any one help to give business opportunity. i cont able to invest the money. can contact me as working partner or any job in chennai. My contact 9884864809 7092047770 Are you interested to utilize your spare time to earn passive income. I am doing a genuine business in my spare time without investment and Income potential is very high. Interested kindly call me Loganathan 09176263377 looking to sell my small retail cake shop in kodambakkam immediate, with the retail accessories for cake retail shop please call us as soon as possible call us 9514442288. till this month very minimum cost. fell free to call us as soon as possible selling my small cake shop in kodambakkam immediate sale with all the machineries for retail cake shop I am looking for any business. I am skilled in project management. I have experience of 10 years. I am at present working as Lead executive for a online advertising firm. Taking care of all deliverables for a automotive and licensing publisher. Let me know if anyone has any idea to take over for serious implementation and benefit there on. If you any business idea, please mail me at contactussnegidhi Hi I am martin from Chennai. I am looking for investor for 5 to 10 lakhs. Iam doing seafood business which is active now. Trading fishes for wholesale from Chennai to other state. good profitable business. Even financiers ok. I have no property documents. Contact 9094629288. Email:martinraj. christtgmail. Need urgent Do anyone Have a really good profitable business idea with low investment. contact me 9003710490. novomoresalesgmail 100 GUARANTEED BUSINESS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN CHENNAI TO EARN 30 PROFIT ON YOUR INVESTMENT FOR USA BASED PROJECT. LEGAL CONTRACT WILL BE DONE WITH PROVIDING SECURITY CHEQUE. MONTHLY FIXED RETURNS WITH INVESTMENT AMOUNT AND PROFIT TOGETHER. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED THEN FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME AT bharathoutsourcegmail PHONE: 9994923788 EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000 MONTH (POWERFUL BUSINESS IDEA) --- LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, WE ARE PROVIDING PRACTICAL EDUCATION, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000 MONTH (POWERFUL BUSINESS IDEA) LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, WE ARE PROVIDING PRACTICAL EDUCATION, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, WE ARE PROVIDING PRACTICAL EDUCATION, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkin EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000 MONTH (POWERFUL BUSINESS IDEA) LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, GET A FRANCHISEE OF, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, WE ARE PROVIDING PRACTICAL EDUCATION. SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook -. 100 GUARANTEED BUSINESS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY TO EARN 30 PROFIT ON YOUR INVESTMENT FOR USA BASED PROJECT. LEGAL CONTRACT WILL BE DONE WITH PROVIDING SECURITY CHEQUE. MONTHLY FIXED RETURNS WITH INVESTMENT AMOUNT AND PROFIT TOGETHER. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED THEN FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME AT bharathoutsourcegmail PHONE: 9994923788 Hello sir i have godown space of 700 sqft. big road in chintadripet can park big lorries in road and take materials and un load materials. any one interested call 9841029926 any one having quick revenue generating idea which needs very low investment and sustainable business whatsapp 9551091919 A small advice for the persons who are willing to start an business. without analysing proper details dont invest single penny of your money. select an business that is well known and suitable for you or atleast you should have an knowledge about the business. dont take decision on third party words. this is my kind advice. am telling you this since am into businesss for the past 6years. if you have any doubts regarding how to start the business, select business, i can help u at no cost.9790703082 friends am a distributor of inverters, ups, solar inverters, batteries, cctv, biometrics etc we are looking for channel partners all over tamilnadu. we deal with all major brands like microtek, exide, luminous etc. interested one can contact me at 9790703082 mail me at sspowertekgmail. nice profitable business with low investment all you need is an 100 to 200 Sqft office at prime location. SET UP YOUR OWN IT BUSINESS IN JUST 7 DAYS Partner with the worlds Leading Global IT and Telematics Enabled Solution and Service Provider to the Road Transportation segment. Telematics4u is a unique Global IT and Telematics Enabled Solution and Service Provider to the Road Transportation segment. Telematics4u has spread its wings in over 55 countries, spread across Africa, Middle-East, South Asia and South East Asia. SET UP YOUR OWN IT BUSINESS IN JUST 7 DAYS Partner with the worlds Leading Global IT and Telematics Enabled Solution and Service Provider to the Road Transportation segment. Telematics4u, headquartered in Bangalore, India, is a unique Global IT and Telematics Enabled Solution and Service Provider to the Road Transportation segment. Telematics4u has spread its wings in over 55 countries, spread across Africa, Middle-East, South Asia and South East Asia. T4U is ISO 27001 Certified leading edge Hi iam Dr. Vel. siddha doctor. I manufacturing the capsules of sex diabetes. with assured short time result best performance of life time. l want distributor, retail sellers in the product. Contact no.09626562699 we are the manufacturers and suppliers of house keeping chemicals. we supply liquid soap, flower cleaner, toilet cleaner, Air freshener, etc. for the hotels, shopping malls, offices. we provide good quality products for cheaper price. we can provide customized products for the Retailers who are running retail stores with customized labeling free of cost around Hyderabad. we give good margins for the people who are interested dealership and agents. for more details contact Mr krishna -9849173330. HI i am kalyan, i am a machine designer. now i designedmake make a new type of machine thats detail i share to you. PALM PLATE MAKER is a advance technology of machine with electronic control machine to make fast production.1.Raw material of this is palm leaf is a natural product so we collect it easily. 2.palm plate maked style is very simple ladies allso handle it easily. 3. palm plate is ECO product so we can market it easily for. more detail maid me. spskalyankumargmailOpen Brainstorms dear friends i will give u buisisness ideas from 20,000 to 5 cr and we take 0 commision in profit and i can share loss also i can give u best ideas im looking for buisiness partners in u r citys and ur states for example ur doing cloth buisiness u buy 100 tea shirts it cost arround aprrox 300 rs but we r the group we can buy 1000 t sirts we can go direct manufacturing unit. it comes arround aprox 200 not even cloth buisiness any buisiness we can save there arround 10000 rs with out doing busineess Enjoy Open Brainstorming over 4 years ago Email Brainstorm Ideas Invite people to add ideas to this brainstorm Opportunity For All TamilNadu Peoples to Earn Money Daily With Small Investment in Online trading. Online Trading trending in india now starts your Earning. For further Details Contact Mr Jagadesh - 9095421409 START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, A New Concept of Education, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, START ROBOT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000,-- LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - EARN Rs 5000 TO 10,000 DAY, STARK INDUSTRIES - IAR - ADVANCED ROBOTICS, AN ISO 9001 - 2008 COMPANY, EARN FROM HUMANOID ROBOT SHOWS, ROBOT EVENTS, ROBOTIC EXHIBITIONS, ROBOT DISPLAY, ROBOTIC TRAINING, ROBOTIC PROMOTIONS etc, GET FRANCHISE OF ROBOTIC COMPANY, IAR AND GET HUMANOID ROBOTS FOR EARNING HANDSOME INCOME, ( WATCH ROBOT VIDEO - starkindustries. inindex. phpgallery ) E-MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - facebookgro START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, A New Concept of Education, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, ------ START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CO MPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, face. START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, faceboo START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, face. START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, facebo 745. aap agar hmare sath invest krte ho to ye guranty return me milegi ki aapka INVESTMENT WAIST NAHI HOGa satad aapki ek phal se kisi ko do time ki roti mil jaae join4politics 744. hum un sabhi area me jaha khaane ko roti ki bhi kami h krne ko koi kaam nahi un area m choti choti industry laga kr logo ko vyapaar se jod rahe h iske lie hum chote bade sabhi tarah k invester ko invite kr rae h agar aap bhi koi business krna chahte hai ya apna money donate krna chahte hai to kirpya contact kre apna 745. aap agar hmare sath invest krte ho to ye guranty return me milegi ki aapka INVESTMENT WAIST NAHI HOGa satad aapki ek phal se kisi ko do time ki roti mil jaae join4politics 744. hum un sabhi area me jaha khaane ko roti ki bhi kami h krne ko koi kaam nahi un area m choti choti industry laga kr logo ko vyapaar se jod rahe h iske lie hum chote bade sabhi tarah k invester ko invite kr rae h agar aap bhi koi business krna chaht e hai ya apna money donate krna chahte hai to kirpya contact kre apna aap agar hmare sath invest krte ho to ye guranty return me milegi ki aapka INVESTMENT WAIST NAHI HOGa satad aapki ek phal se kisi ko do time ki roti mil jaae hum un sabhi area me jaha khaane ko roti ki bhi kami h krne ko koi kaam nahi un area m choti choti industry laga kr logo ko vyapaar se jod rahe h iske lie hum chote bade sabhi tarah k invester ko invite kr rae h agar aap bhi koi business krna chahte hai ya apna money donate krna chahte hai to kirpya contact kre apna paisa waha lagae jhaa aap ka or 10 logo ka fayda ho sake join4politicsgmail call or whatsapp nine seven one six seven eight one seven seven four for cash donation allow hmari parti bilkul alag rajniti krti hai hum dirct logo ko rojgaar se jodna chahte hai jiske lie hme kuch donation ki jarurat hai plez donate and contact us join4politicsgmail call or whatsapp nine seven one six seven eight one seven seven four for cash donation allow yadi aap desh ke garib janta ko koi fayda dena chahte hai to jude hmse hme join kre join4politicsgmail call or whatsapp nine seven one six seven eight one seven seven four for cash donation allow agar aap politics rajniti se jud kr apna naam or power badhana chahte hai ya smaaj ki seva ke lie chunav ladana chahte hai to hme join kre join4politicsgmail call or whatsapp nine seven one six seven eight one seven seven four agar aap politics rajniti se jud kr apna naam or power badhana chahte hai ya smaaj ki seva ke lie chunav ladana chahte hai to hme join kre join4politicsgmail call or whatsapp nine seven one six seven eight one seven seven four Hello, My name is Mr. Johann Rogers from Johann Financial Home. We are a registered and approved loans provider. We Offer Private, Commercial and Personal Loans with very low annual Interest Rates of 3 to people from all over the world including your country. We have a flexible repayment period from 1 year to 30years. Our loan ranges from 5000 to 50,000,000.00 if you are interested kindly contact us via E-mail for more info Contact us Via email: mrrobertzoellick195gmail Do you need a Loan Are you looking for Finance Are you looking for a Loan to enlarge your business I think you have come to the right place. We offer Loans at low interest rate. Interested people should please contact us on For immediate response to your application, Kindly reply to this emails below only: nexgenconsultants777gmail or contact immediately 8608337423. START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A New Concept of Education. E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in, fac ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000,LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. START ROBOTELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 3.5 LAKHS AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, A New Concept of Education, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, fa Title. HD CCTV Camera Sales Installation Services in Tnagar Low Cost CCTV Water Proof Camera. Camera Brand: Turboplus. 8 channel DVR 5 nos indoor camera 1 TB HDD Power Adapter DCBNC connectors CCTV Cable wiring Network configuration Inclusive of all charges Anybody want to order bulk means we will reduce cost. Contact no: Vidya - 7904847604 Am from Chennai, Anybody want seconds laptop means contact me we have all company laptop with very low price. HP8470p, LENOVO T430, DELL 6430E etc. Contact me soon: Vidya-7904847604 (POWERFUL BUSINESS IDEA) -- LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, (FIRST TIME IN INDIA) HIGH RETURNS ON INVESTMENT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, WE ARE PROVIDING PRACTICAL EDUCATION, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, f POWERFUL BUSINESS IDEA, WE ARE STARTING AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, YOU CAN EARN THROUGH NEW CONCEPT OF EDUCATION, GET A FRANCHISEE OF ROBOTICS AND PRACTICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, WE ARE SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, A new concept of Practical education in India, CONTACT US, good returns on Investment. iardehradungmail OR CALL US. 8755222935, VISIT starkindustries. in, facebook - facebook (FIRST TIME IN INDIA) POWERFUL BUSINESS IDEA, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, WE ARE PROVIDING PRACTICAL EDUCATION, GET A FRANCHISEE OF ROBOTICS AND PRACTICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, WE ARE SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, good returns on Investment. iardehradungmail OR CALL US. 8755222935, VISIT starkindustries. in, facebook - facebookgroupsiardehradun Hello we have millionaires investors who are looking for a trusted partner to work with if you think you can be of good and trusted partner here and they are willing to invest in a business such, villas, commercial buildings, commercial lands,,any running or starting company to invest into as a partner in United Arab Emirates, Middle East, Singapore, Indian and the world in General, so you can contact me for details so that i can linked you with the investors you can email(aladji. hassan2gmail) Get your loan today at a low interest rate, contact us via. megatrustfinancialgroupgmail Phone number: 1(312) 291-1878 (sms only) Hello, Do you need a quick long or short term loan with a relatively low interest rate as low as 4.2 We offer business loan, personal loan, home loan, auto loan, student loan, real estate loan, debt consolidation loan e. t.c. no matter your score, If yes contact us and apply today, write us now through email: megatrustfinancialgroupgmail. Contact Email: megatrustfinancialgroupgmail Phone number: 1(312) 291-1878 (sms only) MT FINANCIAL GROUP INC. guestcitycgi-binvie START TECHNICAL SKILL TRAINING COMPANY (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - JOB ORIENTED TRAINING INSTITUTE (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - facebookgr START TECHNICAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - face START TECHNICAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935 , starkindustries. in, facebook - ww START TECHNICAL SKILL TRAINING COMPANY (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - https: JOB ORIENTED TRAINING INSTITUTE (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - facebook. c JOB ORI ENTED TRAINING INSTITUTE (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - facebookgro START TECHNICAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - facebookgroups. Hi, I want to start a New Business in Ludhiana, Punjab location with a small Capital, Kindly give me some suggestion. plz mail me the ideas at pankaj. roopangmail OR call at 9988883896 START INDUSTRIAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - fac JOIN US - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS - IAR facebookgroupsiardehradun ENGINEERING PRACTICAL TRAINING AT - IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS Seminar on Robotics, IAR ADVANCED ROBOTICS, DEHRADUN - CALL US 8755222935, VISIT - starkindustries. in - REGISTER TODAY PROFESSIONAL PRACTICAL TRAINING FOR ENGINEERS POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS FOR ALL STUDENTS (PRACTICALTHEORY AND VIDEO TUTORIAL CLASSES) ALL IN ONE COURSE - BASIC ELECTRONICS - MECHATRONICS - POWER EL ECTRONICS We offer a wide range of financial services 3 which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation cash, Business cash, Private cash, car cash, hotel cash, student cash Contact us via email: musaddiqloanlendinggmail START INDUSTRIAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - w START TECHNICAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - facebookg INDIAS FIRST, START TECHNICAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - hello everyone, i have the opportunity to earn good income online without any risk. plz be free to call me 9810821995 INDIAS FIRST ROBOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, fac START ROBOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - fa ce i have LIC agent agency and ICICI Lombard health vehicle insurance agency. Be part of my agency and do your own work. I Can provide my agency code to you and earn commission from 20 to 30 ( means 50 to 70 thousand in month) in delhi gurgaon NOida. my contact number is :- 9643330925 and 9871702532. name Sachin Garg New Earning opportunity For Chennai Peoples. Small investment 10-15k with Daily Good Returns 400-500rs in Online Trading. For details contact Mr Jagadesh - 9095421409. INVEST ONLY 3.5 LAKHS, GET MANUFACTURING COMPANY (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindus INVEST ONLY 3.5 LAKHS (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, fac ebook - https: INVEST ONLY 3.5 LAKHS AND START ROBOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - facebook. co INDIAS FIRST ROBOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, INDIAS FIRST ROBOT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY (MAKE IN INDIA) AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, INDIAS FIRST ROBOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY (MAKE IN INDIA) START ROBOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: Hi, I am jagadesh from Chennai. Great Earning opportunity For Tamilnadu peoples to earn daily minimum 300-400 per day by just investing 10-15 thousands in Online trading. For details contact Mr Jagadesh - 9095421409 NEED INVESTORSPARTNERS FOR MANUFACTURING HUMANOID MARKETING ROBOTS IN INDIA. HIGH RETURNS, INDIAS FIRST HUMANOID MARKETING ROBOT (BEL) - INDIA 247 - NEWS COVERAGE (VIDEO) youtubewatchviO22nRYcuy0. IAR (DEHRADUN) INDIAN FIRST MARKETING HUMANOID ROBOT(BEL) IS DEVELOPED BY - IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, DEHRADUN, INDIA, its Automated programmable robot, IT WILL USE FOR MARKETING, visit - starkindustries. in, e-mail - iardehradungmail, call - 8755222935. ----- START ROBOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - ww NEED INVESTORSPARTNERS FOR MANUFACTURING HUMANOID MARKETING ROBOTS IN INDIA. HIGH RETURNS, INDIAS FIRST HUMANOID MARKETING ROBOT (BEL) - INDIA 247 - NEWS COVERAGE (VIDEO) youtubewatchviO22nRYcuy0. IAR (DEHRADUN) INDIAN FIRST MARKETING HUMANOID ROBOT(BEL) IS DEVELOPED BY - IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, DEHRADUN, INDIA, its Automated programmable robot, IT WILL USE FOR MARKETING, visit - starkindustries. in, e-mail - iardehradungmail, call - 8755222935. - INVEST Rs - 5,000, 10,000 IN ROBOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND GET 40 EXTRA ON YOUR INVESTMENT IN NEXT 30 DAYS IN YOUR ACCOUNT, WITH COMPANY GURANTEE, YOU CAN AGAIN INVEST AFTER ONE CYCLE, WE ARE THE MANUFACTURER OF HUMANOID ROBOTS IN INDIA, INDIA 247 - NEWS COVERAGE (VIDEO) youtubewatchviO22nRYcuy0. IAR - STARK INDUSTRIES, DEHRADUN, INDIA, visit - starkindustries. in, e-mail - iardehradungmail, call us - 8755222935, 9690553366 -------------------------- --------- START ROBOT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000, LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, A New Concept of Education, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - fac I am a private loan lender which have all take to be a genuine lender i give out the best loan to my client at a very convenient rate. The interest rate of this loan is 3.i give out loan to public and private individuals. the maximum amount i give out in this loan is 1,000,000.00 USD why the minimum amount i give out is 5000.for more information contact u s email honestloan10gmail Your Full Details: Full Name : Country :. state:. Sex :. Address. Tel :. Occupatio Hello: Need urgent loan to solve your financial needs, we offer reliable loan at an interest rate applicable to all loans is (3), if you are interested contact us via (fasterloanservicegmail) with the information below Your full name: Country: City: Address: Amount Needed: duration: Loan Purpose: Monthly income: Age: Sex: Occupation: Telephone number: Thanks. Mr Frank Rogers Hello Everyone I did not believe any more in the loan of money because all the banks rejected my file But one day a friend advised me a particular lender of which it gave me the lewisharrylendinghotmail e-mail: I tried the blow with him while addressing an e-mail to him then that walked. I had the good person an honest particular lender whom I sought since of the years. I secured my loan which currently allows me of good food and I pay my monthly payments regularly. شكر. Online business trending in india now. Start your own business by maintaining your city business information(Best caterers, Best home tutors, Best plumbers etc),discountsoffers daily wise, classifieds, realestate, jobs and news by our powerful search engine based CMS web portal(Google adsense approved) concept. check our portals dialnizamabad, dialkarimnagar, dialadilabad more.100 revenue will be yours. Interested whatsapp 09703817117 or mail me satish19ougmail this is inayat for karnataka i have only 50000 rupees to start the business plz sugest me on my mail id. inayat. bedrekaryahoo NEED INVESTORSPARTNERS FOR MANUFACTURING HUMANOID MARKETING ROBOTS IN INDIA. HIGH RETURNS, INDIAS FIRST HUMANOID MARKETING ROBOT (BEL) - INDIA 247 - NEWS COVERAGE (VIDEO) youtubewatchviO22nRYcuy0. IAR (DEHRADUN) INDIAN FIRST MARKETING HUMANOID ROBOT(BEL) IS DEVELOPED BY - IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, DEHRADUN, INDIA, its Automated programmable robot, IT WILL USE FOR MARKETING, visit - starkindustries. in, e-mail - iardehradungmail, call - 8755222935. Hi urgently required 50 L investment in quick time. Most preferred Hyderabad persons only. we will return your investment in 1 month with double amount 1cr. Kindly interested persons whats app me for further details 8008182099 Hi friends, we dont give fake comittiment ads. Its truly genuine wonderful business opportunity for all, 10 fixed monthly returns for ur investment with proof and guarantee and 5 L investment fixed 50000 returns monthly through forex trading and if u want to withdraw u can take your money whenever u want. totally free trading account opening. Interested persons kindly contact me immediately thru whats app 8008182099. totally riskfree. START ROBOT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND EARN EARN Rs 50,000 TO 150,000,- LOW INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS, INVEST IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION PROJECT, GET A FRANCHISEE OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, WE HAVE STARTED AMERICAJAPAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA, HIGH RETURNS ON INVESTMENT A New Concept of Education, IAR - INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS, SEARCHING FOR FRANCHISEE PARTNER ALL OVER INDIA, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, Do you need a loan at very low rate of 2 we give out home loan, business loan any kind of loan Interested, Contact us via email: arnoidwemangmail for more information hello friends, i am jitender, professional chartered accountant based in delhi, i want to start practice Coaching Centre for XI, XII, Bcom MCom MBA, CA but i dont have space. if anyone have space then we can start business on profit or partnership basis, all plan and hardworking is mine, i will handle all the operations. it can be good business for you do you need a genuine loan for business purposes or to pay your debt contact Mr Kellie Wilson now for genuine loans via email: Oceanicfinance113gmail do you need a genuine loan for business purposes or to pay your debt contact Mr Kellie Wilson now for genuine loans via email: Oceanicfinance113gmail START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. Hi Sir, I am jagadesh from Chennai. Great Earning opportunity For Tamilnadu peoples. Are you interested to invest just 10-15k in online trading with best returns daily minimum 300-400rs. For details contact Mr Jagadesh - 9095421409 START YOUR MANUFACTURING COMPANY (ROBOTICS) Make Robots FOR ((( FIRST TIME IN INDIA))) - Politicians, CompaniesIndustries, marketing and advertising Companies, Super Markets, Shops, Stores, Malls, Schools etc. EARN Rs 50,000 5,00,000month - low investment high returns, Invest 3.5 lakhs, WATCH OUR HUMANOID ROBOT VIDEO - tinyurlhwrywp5. IAR - ADVANCED ROBOTICS, GET OUR FRANCHISE TODAY, starkindustries. in, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935. MANUFACTURING COMPANY (ROBOTICS) Make Robots FOR ((( FIRST TIME IN INDIA))) - Politicians, CompaniesIndustries, marketing and advertising Companies, Super Markets, Shops, Stores, Malls, Schools etc. EARN Rs 50,000 5,00,000month - low investment high returns, Invest 3.5 lakhs, WATCH OUR HUMANOID ROBOT VIDEO - tinyurlhwrywp5. IAR - ADVANCED ROBOTICS, GET OUR FRANCHISE TODAY, starkindustries. in, E - MAIL - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935. Open school system for remote rural areas START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, starkindustries. in ----- START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, starkindustries. in, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E-Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, starkindustries. in START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Ma il - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in Wonderful business plan for high returns in quick time with low investment like 50000 kindly whats app me 8008182099 for further discussions abt our business plan. 100 Money Back Gurantee, START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. 100 Money Back Gurantee, START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935,starkindustries. in 100 Money Back Gurantee, START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, get a franchise of robotic company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebo Business Opportuni ty to be a Distributor For Unique Hot Selling Product for Travels Automobile Industry. No Security Deposit. Low Investment on the Products. 40 Profit per sale. Interested Individual or Company Feel to Contact us at 9994923788 or Email at cambrianenterprisesgmail or Visit us at cambrian. in Hi, am here to share little testimony of how i got a real loan from Financial Home, i never believe on online loans lenders can be still real and legit this is because i have lost so many fee to scammers due to upfront fee being asked by them. but to the Glory of God Financial Loan Home assisted me with all the loan i needed they are real and legit. they lend me 15,000 usd which i used for my Son surgery. this loan company is for real give them a try if you need a loan and you will never regre Hello Everyone. Are you in need of a loan. To pay your bills. Or Start up a business of your own. Or for personal purposes. If yes contact us today via email :financialhome34outlook for more info. Hi, I am from Mumbai and doing trading business of Mens garment. My business is not not working well so if you can give some good idea how to go about it would be really appreciated. awaiting for your reply asap on my mail id frescoapparelsgmail Contact No. 9833031732. START YOUR own Robotics company, Educational Institute and small robotic kit manufacturing And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, Low Investment High Returns, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics company, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, we Have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore, Belgaum and Dehradun, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E Mail-iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - hi this is viswa reddy, we are doing currency and commodity trading in international future market. where you can get huge profit on your investment monthly 6 to 12 profit. we provide agreement, even me also invested in trading. and we provide fixed returns on investment further details contact me mbl: 919094781746 email id:visveswarareddy303gmail. hi this is viswa reddy, we are doing currency and commodity trading in international future market. where you can get huge profit on your investment monthly 6 to 12 profit. we provide agreement, even me also invested in trading. and we provide fixed returns on investment further details contact me mbl :9094781746 email id :visveswarareddy303gmail. We wish to give out loan to whom ever that is in need of a loan at interest rate of 3, We give out loan from the minimum of 5,000.00 usd to the maximum 100 million dollars, pounds, euros, If interested, Contact us via email: johnoneil945gmail Hi, I am staying in Haryana, India. I am planning to start a new business with a low capital investment and have found so many ideas with the help of Internet. I am doing a job and need a part time business. Can anyone please guide me a correct thoughts which are practically proven. I have good relations with few manufacturing companies. If any one is having gold importing licence from Ghana or can obtain this licence then contact me. If you are interested in. I can offer you best price per kg 22. 5 carat purity, can provide as much you want. Contact me at allwn2gmail hi, please contact if any body would like with garment business. i have a garment showroom of kids and ladies. would like to start own manufacturing unit. Hi I am naraayan roy from gurgaon last 1 yr I am doing home bace business. and I have earn evry month 1 to 2 lak. its very easy ebry body doing online shopping. but hear u doing same work doing on line shopping and u can get case back 5 to 30 and earn more benefits cont me 9910443293 Dear all Friends, I would like to share with you a greatest business opportunity, a platform where we can build a successful professional career under upcoming trillion dollar industry (wellness Industry) no investment (invest here your time only to learn the system) free training and support global business (international presence) working in 160 countries more time fore family own boss great lifestyle hereditary business (great security) work fore yourself while helping Hi I am santosh need a investors for opning security and housekeeping company in delhi ncr I have good idias to get clients anyone interested in this business call me on 9971922736 Hi are you like to earn minimum 300-400 per day in online trading. we offer calls and guide you. for details contact 9095421409. I have helped more than hundreds of companies to start exports. I am a News paper article writer connected exportsimports I have more than 22 years experience in this field Kindly contact me for more details. CONTACT B. RADHAKRISHNAN. INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND BUSINESS CONSULTANT(itbc) MOBILE. 09846063506 START YOUR own Robot Manufacturing company And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, Low Investment High Returns, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, we Have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore, Belgaum and Dehradun, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E Mail-iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - faceboo Ive got some ideas regarding to social networking website, i m a web designer but not that good so if you an build this website then i can give you 20 of its profit. Anyone who is interested and lives in Delhi can contact me :- 9716157668. Whatsaap me first. START YOUR own Robot Manufacturing company And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook f START YOUR own Robot Manufacturing company And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - w START YOUR own Robot Manufacturing company And Ed ucational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, Low Investment High Returns, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, we Have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore, Belgaum and Dehradun, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E Mail-iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - INVEST IN Robot Manufacturing Business And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - faceb INVEST IN Robot Manufacturing Business And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, L ow Investment High Returns, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, we Have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore, Belgaum and Dehradun, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E Mail-iardehradungmail, CALL:8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - facebook. INVEST IN Robot Manufacturing Business And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started PRACTICAL Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook faceb INVEST IN Robot Manufacturing Business And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000,we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore Belgaum and Dehradun, We Have Started AmericaJapan Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook fa INVEST IN Robot Manufacturing Business And Educationa l Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore and Belgaum, Dehradun, We Have Started AmericaJapan Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - INVEST IN Robot Manufacturing Business And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000,- Low Investment High Returns, Invest In Practical Education Project, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, We Have Started AmericaJapan Education System In India, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore and Belgaum, Dehradun, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, www INVEST in Human Robot Manufacturing And Robotics Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, - Low Investment High Returns, Invest In Practical Education Project, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, We Have Started AmericaJapan Education System In India, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore and Belgaum, Dehradun, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindu INVEST in Human Robot Manufacturing And Robotics Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000, we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nellore and Belgaum, Dehradun, We Have Started AmericaJapan Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook - faceboo INVEST in Human Robot Manufacturing and Robotics Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000,we have branch in Mumbai, Bangalore , Nellore and Belgaum, Dehradun, We Have Started AmericaJapan Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in, facebook facebook i am help for your business new idea so please send email ajayvora2020yahoo. co. in Start Robot Manufacturing Business And Educational Institute And Earn Rs 50,000 To 150,000,- Low Investment High Returns, Invest In Practical Education Project, We Have Started AmericaJapan Education System In India, A New Concept Of Education, Get A Franchisee Of Practical Education And Robotics Institute, IAR - Institute Of Advanced Robotics, Searching For Franchisee Partner All Over India, E - Mail - iardehradungmail, CALL: 8755222935, starkindustries. in. we have a good business idea across all over india for earn a great income we will run a ngo and we have 80000 sales boy in our ngo we want start a genone business if any one want lto invest 1000000 to 20 cr than contact now and earn more income for more detail call me on nine seven one six seven eight one seven seven four If you have any good idea to work on with a budget of 1 crore, share it and we are ready to work on it. Profit share will bw discussed. It has to be in delhi only. Contact me triple92531111 HELLO We are a private investor group seeking stable country to invest in growth areas in your country. We will use your advice for any activity in which we will have to invest, saving us all and we risk guarantees a return on investment. With us become fully fledged partners in again for Horizon construction. Furthermore, we decentralize our actions also offering Loan at a rate of 2 in the short or long term means all people honest and sincere in all areas. Email info: michonfranck109gma My name is William David, I am working With A VETERINARY COMPANY based in, London UK. I got your contact during my comprehensive search for a reliable and trustworthy individualcompany in your country. I decided to contact you for a business with my company. The company I work with is into manufacturing of VETERINARY MEDICINES. The company procures most of their raw materials from India, There is a chemical which the company used to send me to buy from India. contact me id:wd2110369gmail Wanted Genuine Investor Good Profit Business. Challenging Earning 1 St Month Invest 1 L You Will Not Getting 8 to 10 Profit I Will Pay 10 . 100 Safe 100 Updated. 50 50 Share Bases. After 1 Month You Invest your Total Capital More Details mail me msathishkumar4gmail or call 91 78680 31426 having 23 years experience in exports Garment manufacturing industries, excellent knowledge to built the new projects till the deliveries on time, cost optimization good planner to run the industry with complianceHR safetyman outsourcing management, visited DubaiAbu Dhabi for business. looking for the genuine party who believe to hire my services. interested parties can call - 0 9535751109 or write on E Mail - sks1551sksgmail Wanted Genuine Investor Good Profit Business. Challenging Earning 1 St Month Invest 1 L You Will Not Getting 8 to 10 Profit I Will Pay 10 . 100 Safe 100 Updated. 50 50 Share Bases. After 1 Month You Invest your Total Capital More Details mail me msathishkumar4gmail or call 91 78680 31426. Hi, dear all I am starting fly ash bricks manufacturing business, i have also established 60 of machines, labor house, office, go down, factory shed, fly ash bricks machine, electricity, land for factory. I need some more investor to invest i my factory to start business because i have some fund problem need to required around 7-8 laks to start smoothly. Investors can invest min 10 thousand to 1 lakes only profit sill be share with each cleaty - I am Sanjeev Singh My plant is loca at Rewa Cont9301818903 Hi, dear all I am starting fly ash bricks manufacturing business, i have also established 60 of machines, labor house, office, go down, factory shed, fly ash bricks machine, electricity, land for factory. I need some more investor to invest i my factory to start business because i have some fund problem need to required around 7-8 laks to start smoothly. Investors can invest min 10 thousand to 1 lakes only profit sill be share with each cleaty - Hi, dear all I am starting fly ash bricks manufacturing business, i have also established 60 of machines, labor house, office, go down, factory shed, fly ash bricks machine, electricity, land for factory. I need some more investor to invest i my factory to start business because i have some fund problem need to required around 7-8 laks to start smoothly. Investors can invest min 10 thousand to 1 lakes only profit sill be share with each cleaty you can check balance sheet, invest amount etc. simple way Hi, dear all I am starting fly ash bricks manufacturing business, i have also established 60 of machines, labor house, office, go down, factory shed, fly ash bricks machine, electricity, land for factory. Wanted Genuine Investor Good Profit Business. Challenging Earning 1 St Month Invest 1 L You Will Not Getting Commented Profit I Will Pay You Your Profit. 100 Safe 100 Updated. 50 50 Share Bases. After 1 Month You Invest 7 L More Details mail me msathishkumar4gmail or call 91 78680 31426. Wanted Genuine Investor Good Profit Business. Challenging Earning 1 St Month Invest 1 L You Will Not Getting Commented Profit I Will Pay You Your Profit. 100 Safe 100 Updated. 50 50 Share Bases. After 1 Month You Invest 7 L More Details mail me msathishkumar4gmail or call 91 78680 31426 HI ALL I AM DOING FOREX TRADING IN LAST 4 YEARS. KNOW I AM DOING FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICE I NEED GOOD FUNDING PERSON. I WILL MAKE DOUBLE IN YOU FUND WITH IN YEAR PROFIT SHARE 5050. 100 SAFE MORE DETAILS MAIL ME MSATHISHKUMAR4GMAIL OR CALL 91 78680 31426, I have 3 lac rupees and want to set up a small business if anyone have a great business idea and need a funding partner pls contact me Rajesh. ray54gmail HI ALL I AM DOING FOREX TRADING IN LAST 4 YEARS. KNOW I AM DOING FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICE I NEED GOOD FUNDING PERSON. I WILL MAKE DOUBLE IN YOU FUND WITH IN YEAR PROFIT SHARE 5050. 100 SAFE MORE DETAILS MAIL ME MSATHISHKUMAR4GMAIL OR CALL 91 78680 31426. Hi, we are in manufacturing distribution business of corporate gifts like. Wall Clocks, Trophies, Momentous, Wooden Desktop Ideas, Gents Purse, Pens, Travel Bags, Trolleys, Duffels Bags, Laptop Trolleys, File Bags. If anyone is interested for doing same, contact on whatsapp 91.9999326688 or e-mail. dd. cpdasgmail or facebookcpdadvertisingsolution or HI ALL I AM DOING FOREX TRADING IN LAST 4 YEARS. KNOW I AM DOING FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICE I NEED GOOD FUNDING PERSON. I WILL MAKE DOUBLE IN YOU FUND WITH IN YEAR PROFIT SHARE 5050. 100 SAFE MORE DETAILS MAIL ME MSATHISHKUMAR4GMAIL OR CALL 91 78680 31426. Guys i am having around 106 bighas of land near Udaipur Rajasthan. Need any perosn who can jointly devlop the land and sell residential plots. or devlop township. Contact 9414156049 hi iam s k basha in karnataka bellary iam working in hdfc bank ltd bellary office boy 7year exprirence but iam taed this work what is the bussiness i do pls help me but amount is 1,lakhs only this is my mobile nomber 9886098559 or this is the my imail id syed17.bashagmail plsssssssssssss helppppppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hi iam doctor working since 8yeras, want to establish diagnostic centre if any one intrest in investment pls contact me will return principle amount within 8 months intrest amount in one year if u contact me i will explain every thing clearly my mail sathish22481yahoo HI ALL I AM DOING FOREX TRADING IN LAST 4 YEARS. KNOW I AM DOING FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICE I NEED GOOD FUNDING PERSON. I WILL MAKE DOUBLE IN YOU FUND WITH IN YEAR PROFIT SHARE 5050. 100 SAFE MORE DETAILS MAIL ME MSATHISHKUMAR4GMAIL OR CALL 91 78680 31426. Dear Friends, I have residential space of 1500sq. ft in Noida sector-27. Please let me know some good Business Ideas. contact me thru E-mail - umeshgovilyahoomail. co. in umeshgovilgmail asap. Looking for Financing Partner Angel Investor for New Concept Windmill - A Trend Setter with 3 6 times more power, Low Cost, suits to Small to Mega Watt size. Can develop to Billions of Business in short time. Once in life time opportunity Invite Partner(s) with sound finance (US 10 100 K) for early commercializing. Need only real business minds that understand Innovation where meagre risk but Huge Win Veeramani. C, Chennai, India. Mobile: 91-9884359738, Email: vchithiraveluyahoo HI ALL I AM DOING FOREX TRADING IN LAST 4 YEARS. KNOW I AM DOING FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICE I NEED GOOD FUNDING PERSON. I WILL MAKE DOUBLE IN YOU FUND WITH IN YEAR PROFIT SHARE 5050. 100 SAFE MORE DETAILS MAIL ME MSATHISHKUMAR4GMAIL OR CALL 91 78680 31426. HI ALL I AM DOING FOREX TRADING IN LAST 4 YEARS. KNOW I AM DOING FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICE I NEED GOOD FUNDING PERSON. I WILL MAKE DOUBLE IN YOU FUND WITH IN YEAR PROFIT SHARE 5050. 100 SAFE MORE DETAILS MAIL ME MSATHISHKUMAR4GMAIL OR CALL 91 78680 31426. Hi all. We are the stockist of Ranbaxy, Eris, Albertdavid and Eris. If any retail and wholesaler wants the products from these companies in Madhya Pradesh then plz contact at rassociates05gmail NRI investors looking for Hi tech Dairy farm from 100 acres to 2000 acres. Please contact me Suvethini Reality 9551262544 HI ALL I AM DOING FOREX TRADING IN LAST 4 YEARS. KNOW I AM DOING FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICE I NEED GOOD FUNDING PERSON. I WILL MAKE DOUBLE IN YOU FUND WITH IN YEAR PROFIT SHARE 5050. 100 SAFE MORE DETAILS MAIL ME MSATHISHKUMAR4GMAIL OR CALL 91 78680 31426 SAFE FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICE YOU INVESTMENT 100 SAFE. YOU INVESTMENT DOUBLE WITH IN YEAR. MORE DETAIL MAIL MSATHISHKUMAR4GMAIL OR CALL 91 78680 31426 Fund Management Service You Investment Double With in Year. Fund Management Doing Investor Account Only. Profit Share 5050.Minimum Investment 25 L. For more Detail Call 91 78680 31426. I want Investment for 5lakh. I will give a Share of 60 and i will take 40. I will take responsible in all manpower. I want to start a cloth Business in Northeast India with 8States. If anyone wants to be my partner please contact me. Paul kalai Mobile 08376813694. Presently residing in New Delhi DeaR all am looking for a bussiness partner in Delhi, I have an idea of street food bussiness in Delhi, which can give a profit of 3-4 Lakhs per month(above)and the investment starts from 10-15 lakhs and above..investors do call 095600052946 Laxman rawat Hey I have an idea of street food bussiness in Delhi, which can give a profit of 3-4 Lakhs per month(above)and the investment starts from 10-15 lakhs and above..investors do call 095600052946 Laxman rawat HELLO SIRMADAM, I AM SHALAHUDEEN JAMAL P WORKING IN HARVEST INTERNATIONAL CONSORTIUM AS A ASSISTANT PORTFOLIO MANAGER. I HAVE A BUSINESS PROPOSAL ABOUT INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY AND COMMODITY TRADING. IT IS INVESTMENT BASED BUSINESS MINIMUM INVESTMENT OF 6 LAKHS WITH 8 - 10 OF PROFIT PER MONTH. INTERESTED PEOPLE MAY PLEASE CONTACT 918903040153 MAIL ID - shaljamal16gmail I need 50 lakh 3 rate of intrest all document is available like property document cheuqe shop act licence my 4 wheelers document also i give for security modgage to lender intrested people call me 08149044017 I will give my all Document like propety modgage cheuqe and shop act for security intrested people call me 08149044017 Hello To properly introduce myself, I am Mr Anthony Pasco. مقرض خاص أعطي القرض بسعر فائدة 3. هذا هو فرصة مالية في الخطوة الباب الخاص بك، وتطبيق اليوم والحصول على قرض سريع الخاص بك. هناك العديد من هناك تبحث عن فرصة مالية أو مساعدة في جميع أنحاء الأماكن، وحتى الآن أنها غير قادرة على الحصول على واحد. But this is a financial opportunity at your door step and as such you cant afford to miss this opportunity. email via:anthonnyloancompanygmail Need Financing Partner for New concept Windmill - A trend setter. Has huge global market. Suitable for HNIs or Business people who can spare around 7 -10 Lakhs. Even for a small investor who seek a chance in life, this could be a once in life time opportunity Can be developed to a huge business in short time with small initial capital. Veeramani. C. Chennai. Mobile: 91-98843 59738. Email: vchithiraveluyahoo hello sir my self ankiy and i want open my bussiness my budget 50000 to 70000 thousand. pls give a good bussiness idea for i earn good profit. I am looking for a buisness partner with minimum investment of 20 to 30 thousand if required. this is a greatest idea for everyone who have a big dreams but don, t have much money, if you are hardworking, honest and passionate about your dreams. want to become an achiver then please contact me on 08755289667 availabel on whatsapp my email id dtsrivastava69gmail please contact if you are serious and trust me this idea is realy big. i am looking for a unique business idea and can invest 30 lacs. have good contacts any one interested in sharing their business idea can contact me on rishabmittal5gmail I Have a Business Plan for, which i based on COnsumer needs, Need the financer to execute the plan, Kindly contact if anyone interested. i am interested in a business and looking for a honest, sincere, hardworking business partner in delhi with unique idea, approximate investment will be 10 to 20 laks. arifhelaaliyahoo need funds to open business help me out I am looking for partnership in fruit, vegetable and rice export business, have plan to start a rice mill and warehouse, we will give 10 return on investment amount, with all legal agreement. call us for further detail : vishal:07709068194 please advise for any business ideas in delhi for investment of Rs. 2-3 Lakhs Mobile no. 9560056090 please advise for any business ideas in delhi for investment of Rs. 2-3 Lakhs Mobile no. 9811961145 Solar energy is the next booming sector in India after LED lights. It might take much bugs in setup solar energy business but i am sure that the profit is must and within next 1 or 2 year its return will be the highest then other sectors Please advise for any business ideas in kolkata for investment of Rs 1 lac. contact 9765991110 This will not make you multimillionaire over night. You will get steady income. I have a good investment proposal with safe capital, above 3-5 returns per month and full liquidity. for further details contact Manisha - 7708807088. Hi all here is a WhatsApp group regarding all business ideas to discuss in group together to join group message in WhatsApp my number 9396567899 hi i m bhupesh verma currently working at yes bank i have so many business idea and business at kundli industrial area sonipat delhi ncr. low investment email id is bhupeshverma07gmail hello everyone. i am nishant from faridabad. i have work experience of 15yrs in consumer durable. By profession i am engineer.(electronic). Now i want to start my own business(DelhiNCR). Investment: 5-10lakhs. do suggest any idea. Handphone: 0091-9899265600 i have 1cr i want bussiness I am residing at Guwahati for the last 4 months. Basically from Kolkata. If any anyone inevest and grow their business at Guwahati. I will assure you Honesty, Truth, Faith, Dedication ect. Can enquir 7044084880 or amalroy802000yahoo I am today happy because LEWIS HARRY LENDING COMPANY HERE IN THE USA HAS APPROVED AND GIVEN ME A LOAN OF 88,600 so I made a vow to Myself and God that I will keep sharing my testimony on the internet on how I got my loan. Here its E-mail: lewisharrylendinghotmail Thanks Miss Blessing Tome We have a Charitable Offer to give out to any legally identified individual. kindly contact us:daveangeladawes80gmail hi, Gaurav this side, I am in old Gurgaon and invest in lower inverestment. please share your idea. My Email:- gauravkumar078900gmail. I feel happy if you can help me to get it. Thanks Regards i want to start any business. Kindly provide the new Ideas for opening in Lower Cost. i want to start a business. budget is 2-3 lacs. contact me on 9891728498. thank u. Hello Dear SirMadam. I am Mr. Austin, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 3 per annual and within the amount of 1000.00 to 500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100 Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate u I want to open a new Manpower consultancy in Delhi NCR, Kindly provide the new Ideas for opening in Lower Cost. Hi Friends this is Regarding for Online Business with Min Investment just For 10 k We assuring that will give monthly 20 Profit (9789138524 whats App Available in this number ) somu. smc2015gmail i have business plan 5 per month and actual will be return in 1 year. Also will do the legal documentation if interested contact on my whts app no 8447284657 min. investment 50000. i m intrested in ur idea u cn contact me at ucctarunyadavgmail 8744949849. im looking for buisiness partners in u r citys and ur states for example ur doing cloth buisiness u buy 100 tea shirts it cost arround aprrox 300 rs but we r the group we can buy 1000 t sirts we can go direct manufacturing unit. it comes arround aprox 200 not even cloth buisiness any buisiness we can save there arround 10000 rs with out doing busineess - waiting for u reply i want to start a business in event industry, i have 5 year experience in this industry, if you have any idea for me or if you can help me for business setup. i have done MBA in 2010 batch. call me - 09555109578 thanks Hi, I am mech. engg. i want to earn some serious min. 1000 rs. in free time please suggest me if u hav any ideas to start jobbusiness. Please mail me at tsrm20gmail. 9242034435 hi, I request you to please suggest some manufacturing business..with small investment in delhi..please mail me at shivverma1982gmail Please suggest me business idea as i am looking for helping hand i live in delhi, please respond me shishirsodhia0410gmail 25 lakh Project without Investment 4 Graduate Unemployed - 90 Govt loan, 10 individual share (that I can invest if required), 35 subsidiary 4 F 25 4 M from Govt. Profit expected is 5 to 6 lakh PM. Do it yourself OR let us do it together with 50 share of Net Profit for 6 years ONLY as SALARY, by that time Bank Loan will also be over - ENTIRE BZN YOURS OR you sit home, draw monthly and allow me to do it on your name. Project Soya Milk Unit, Selling at Cheaper Rate than Normal Milk in India Anybody wants to invest 10 Cr Rupees. (Rs 10,00, 00000) Minimum or More in Regular Gold Bars Imports to INDIA from GOLD MINES ABROAD (AFRICAS, AMERICAS, EUROPE).Any type of money, we have masters team with Bullion import licence Double your money within 6 months.100 collateral security in the form of stocks of Gold Bars. Agents are also welcome. If interested email to goldcifgmail Skype goldcif Rep: dear friends i will give u buisisness ideas from 20,000 to 5 cr and we take 0 commision in profit and i can share loss also i can give u best ideas. just send the complete details in my email id. ksubhashchandranyahoo. co. in

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